In this Issue
Technology and Culture, the preeminent journal of the history of technology, draws on scholarship in diverse disciplines to publish insightful pieces intended for general readers as well as specialists. Subscribers include scientists, engineers, anthropologists, sociologists, economists, museum curators, archivists, scholars, librarians, educators, historians, and many others. In addition to scholarly essays, each issue features 30-40 book reviews and reviews of new museum exhibitions. To illuminate important debates and draw attention to specific topics, the journal occasionally publishes thematic issues. Technology and Culture is the official journal of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT).
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 65, Number 2, April 2024Table of Contents
- La ciudad en movimiento: Estudios históricos sobre transporte colectivo y movilidad en Santiago de Chile, siglos XIX y XX [The city on the move: Historical studies on public transport and mobility in Santiago de Chile, nineteenth and twentieth centuries] ed. by Simón Castillo and Marcelo Mardones (review)
- pp. 675-677
- DOI:
- Con los pies en el surco: Instituciones estatales y actores de la ciencia agropecuaria en La Pampa (1958–1983) [With feet in the furrow: State institutions and actors of agricultural science in La Pampa (1958–1983)] by Federico Martocci (review)
- pp. 679-681
- DOI:
- El pequeño intervencionista: Ayuntamiento, empresarios y regulación del mercado telefónico en la Ciudad de México, 1881–1915 [The small interventionist: City hall, businessmen and the regulation of the telephone market in Mexico City, 1881–1915] by Víctor Cuchí Espada (review)
- pp. 691-693
- DOI:
- Wissen im Fluss: Der lateinamerikanische Staudammbau im 20. Jahrhundert als globale Wissensgeschichte [Knowledge in flux: Latin American dam construction in the twentieth century as a global history of knowledge] by Frederik Schulze (review)
- pp. 695-697
- DOI:
- Brown Skins, White Coats: Race Science in India, 1920–66 by Projit Bihari Mukharji, and: Medicine, Science, and Making Race in Civil War America by Leslie A. Schwalm, and: Masters of Health: Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools by Christopher D. E. Willoughby (review)
- pp. 701-705
- DOI:
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