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Searched for: all of the terms [ dana ] [ dragunoiu ] in author name
9 results found
  1. Hemingway's Debt to Stendahl's <I>Armance</I> in <I>The Sun Also Rises</I> cover
  2. Vladimir Nabokov's Ada : Art, Deception, Ethics cover
  3. Vladimir Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading and the Russian Radical Tradition cover
  4. <i>Lolita</i>: Nabokov’s Rewriting of Dostoevski’s <i>The Brothers Karamazov</i> cover
  5. Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Moral Acts cover
  6. Vladimir Nabokov and the Poetics of Liberalism cover
  7. Dialogues with Berkeley: Idealist Metaphysics and Epistemology in Nabokov's <i>Bend Sinister</i> cover
  8. Hazel Shade's Russian Sisterhood, or Is <i>Pale Fire</i> a Feminist Novel? <i>In memory of Gennady Barabtarlo</i> cover