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Searched for: all of the terms [ edwin ] [ a. ] [ battison ] in author name
12 results found
  1. <i>Decorative Cast Ironwork in Great Britain</i> by Raymond Lister (review) cover
  2. Stone-Cutting and Polishing Lathe, by Jacques Besson cover
  3. <i>Knaurs Geschichte der Technik</i> by Carl Graf von Klinckowstroem (review) cover
  4. <i>Industrial Archeology—a New Look at the American Heritage</i> by Theodore Anton Sande (review) cover
  5. <i>Die Kulturgeschichte der Schraube</i> by Rudolf Kellermann and Wilhelm Treue (review) cover
  6. <i>Simple Working Models of Historic Machines (Easily Made by the Reader)</i> by Aubrey F. Burstall (review) cover
  7. <i>A History of Machine Tools, 1700–1910</i> by W. Steeds (review) cover
  8. <i>The British Soldier’s Firearm, 1850–1864</i> by C. H. Roads (review) cover
  9. <i>American Woodworking Tools</i> by Paul B. Kebabian, Dudley Witney (review) cover
  10. “Technological Innovation and the Decorative Arts”: Hagley Museum, March 29, 1973–January 1, 1974 cover