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Searched for: all of the terms [ john ] [ d. ] [ schaeffer ] in author name
9 results found
  1. Treason by Words: Literature, Law, and Rebellion in Shakespeare's England (review) cover
  2. <i>Borrowed Light: Vico, Hegel, and the Colonies</i> by Timothy Brennan (review) cover
  3. “Ordovico or viricordo”: Joyce’s Road from Newman to Vico cover
  4. Metonymies We Read By: Rhetoric, Truth and the Eucharist in Milton's Areopagitica cover
  5. Law and Representation in Early Modern Drama (review) cover
  6. <i>How to Think like Shakespeare: Lessons from a Renaissance Education</i> by Scott Newstok (review) cover
  7. <i>The Poetry of John Milton</i> by Gordon Teskey (review) cover
  8. <i>The Essential Works of Thomas More</i> ed. by Gerard B. Wegemer and Stephen W. Smith (review) cover