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Searched for: all of the terms [ nathan ] [ reingold ] in author name
15 results found
  1. U. S. Patent Office Records as Sources for the History of Invention and Technological Property cover
  2. <i>Matthew Fontaine Maury & Joseph Henry: Scientists of the Civil War</i> by Patricia Johns (review) cover
  3. Alexander Dallas Bache: Science and Technology in the American Idiom cover
  4. <i>Engineering at Cambridge University, 1783–1965</i> by T. J. N. Hilken (review) cover
  5. <i>The Future of the Research Library</i> by Verner W. Clapp (review) cover
  6. <i>American Science and Technology: A Bicentennial Bibliography</i> by George W. Black, Jr (review) cover
  7. <i>DDT: Scientists, Citizens, and Public Policy</i> by Thomas R. Dunlap (review) cover
  8. <i>Between Science and Values</i> by Loren R. Graham (review) cover
  9. <i>Dollars for Research: Science and Its Patrons in Nineteenth-Century America</i> by Howard S. Miller (review) cover
  10. <i>Information and Secrecy: Vannevar Bush, Ultra, and the Other Memex</i> by Colin Burke (review) cover