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Searched for: all of the terms [ terry ] [ s. ] [ reynolds ] in author name
22 results found
  1. Infrastructure: A Field Guide to the Industrial Landscape (review) cover
  2. The Great Kanawha Navigation (review) cover
  3. On Not Burning Bridges: Valuing the Passe cover
  4. Cleveland’s Iron Ore Merchants and the Lake Superior Iron Ore Trade, 1855–1900 cover
  5. <i>Refining Nature: Standard Oil and the Limits of Efficiency</i> by Jonathan Wlasiuk (review) cover
  6. Calm or Conflicted? Labor-Management Relations on Michigan's Iron Ranges in the Nineteenth Century cover
  7. <i>A Promising Field: Engineering at Alabama, 1837–1987</i> by Robert J. Norrell (review) cover
  8. <i>Medieval Ironwork in Sweden</i> by Lennart Karlsson (review) cover