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Searched for: all of the terms [ william ] [ f. ] [ trimble ] in author name
13 results found
  1. Battle of the Atlantic (review) cover
  2. Inventing Flight: The Wright Brothers and Their Predecessors (review) cover
  3. <i>Images of Aviation: Huntsville Air and Space</i> (review) cover
  4. <i>Aviation and Pennsylvania</i> by Frank Kingston Smith, James P. Harrington (review) cover
  5. Taking Flight: Inventing the Aerial Age, from Antiquity through the First World War (review) cover
  6. <i>To Lasso the Clouds: The Beginnings of Aviation in Georgia</i> by Dan A. Aldridge Jr. (review) cover
  7. <i>History of Technology</i> ed. by Graham Hollister-Short and Frank A. J. L. James (review) cover
  8. <i>Another Icarus: Percy Pilcher and the Quest for Flight</i> by Philip Jarrett (review) cover