30 Pins
*Hilda Doolittle* Hilda Doolittle escribiu versos tan libres como a súa sexualidade. Oréade: Revólvete, mar Revolve os teus punxentes piñeiros. Batuxa os teus grandes piñeiros Nas nosas rochas. Expele o teu verdor sobre nós Cúbrenos coas túas pozas de abeto. ---------------------------------- Hilda Doolittle escribió versos tan libres como su sexualidad. Oréade: Revuélvete, mar Revuelve tus puntiagudos pinos. Salpica tus grandes pinos En nuestras rocas. Lanza tu verdor sobre nosotro...
...having been breathed out
Bryher and H.D. celebrating H.D.’s birthday, 1960
Helen In Egypt
*Helen in Egypt - H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) - "The poem is as easy to read as breathing: it could be danced, it could be sung, the clarity of image is so perfect… Tremendous suggestiveness and magnetic force radiate from the scenes… H. D.'s verse has the balance, the amplitude and the clean outlines of a Greek temple." —Nation
[Scrapbook containing photographs of H. D., Kenneth Mapherson, Bryher, and others with various clippings, Classical architecture, sculpture, etc.]
https://flic.kr/p/6VfgpT | [Scrapbook containing photographs of H. D., Kenneth Mapherson, Bryher, and others with various clippings, Classical architecture, sculpture, etc.] | Page/Caption: [Various clippings and photographs, possibly H.D.?] Author/Creator: H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 1886-1961 Date: undated
HERmione: Hilda Doolittle, Perdita Schaffner, Denise Breslin: 9780811208178: Amazon.com: Books