Funny Horse Pictures

Pictures we think are worth a giggle
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Because life with horses is never orderly.
Ah, if only our equine partners could understand language and possessed verbal skills. While I'm positive I'd rather not have to hear how measly their rations are or how they'd prefer not to work today thank-you-very-much, it would be nice if we could just explain to them verbally exactly what we're trying to get them to do. I'm sure it would clear up quite a bit for all of us involved. ;) horse quotes #horses
35 People You Wish You Could Trade Places With For A Day
The person who knit these mini-horses a sweater... | 35 People You Wish You Could Trade Places With For A Day
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BEWARE I RIDE HORSES Rustic distressed by CountryAngelRustic, $59.95
A Retirement Home for Horses
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No, my horses were thinking, " What a boring lesson you've got there... Let's spice it up and not follow anyone's directions!" lol. Gotta love em
I've never been lucky enough to own my own horse yet. But I'm pretty sure that when I do, he will be as wacky as this haha