Psychology Humor

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Yellow Submarine « Things Behind the Sun
I love this scene from The Yellow Submarin: the foothills to the headlands, right before "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." I think designing something similar to this, but mb in the layout of Mt. Rushmore would be cool. A potential tattoo, even. (?)
Phew! I think I'm good. Wait, isn't the first sign of insanity thinking that you're sane.
gemma correll's tumblr of things and stuff: Photo
Gemma Correll's Drawings of Things.: Photo
Stillpoint Spaces Berlin - In 1920s Berlin, psychoanalyst Karen Horney...
In 1920s Berlin, psychoanalyst Karen Horney challenged central aspects of Freudian theory in Weimar culture. She opened a new place for recognition of women’s sexuality within the psychoanalytical community of her time. In 1937 she published her most notable theoretical work: The Neurotic Personalities of Our Time.
BustedTees | T-Shirt Designs That Pop Culture | Funny is Cool
For the psychologist in the family
The Weekend Wonder - Diane von Furstenberg - Lela London
Someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair
CakhiaTV - Cà Khịa TV TTBD miễn phí - Trực tiếp bóng đá HD
When performing scientific research and experimentation, sometimes the most important part is finding the right test subject. I’m not sure why Pavlov initially chose to use a cat or for how many days he rang that bell, but I’m sure he learned a very frustrating and valuable lesson. Anyway, Pavlov eventually switched to dogs and his legendary studies on classical conditioning have had a major influence on modern behavior theory.
Archetype - click : to take Carl Jung typology test, learn yourself :)