Mike's Ad Shop

Mike’s Ad Shop has access to hundreds of “creatives” all over the country producing explosive results. The Leadership and coordination of this expansive pool of professionals are your link to a campaign that produces only the most significant Return On Investment. http://mikesadshop.com/
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Marketing is Kinetic Energy
If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to set a time to meet or leave your details and I'll get back to you.
Marketing is Kinetic Energy
Marketing is Kinetic Energy
MAS Graphic Design
Marketing is Kinetic Energy
MAS Graphic Design
Marketing is Kinetic Energy
MAS Graphic Design
Marketing is Kinetic Energy
SBC is Mike's partner
Mike's AD Shop
Mike's AD Shop mikesadshop.com Mike's Ad Shop has access to hundreds of "creatives" all over the country producing explosive results. The Leadership and coordination of this expansive pool of professionals are your link to a campaign that produces only the most significant Return On Investment. Tatyana Ladd-Thomas (The Owner and CEO of Mike's Ad Shop): has spent the last 14 years in the United States in the financial services world.
The Future of Marketing http://mikesadshop.com/