Fond Farewells

Fondly remembering the world's leading artists, authors, inventors, leaders & scientists who have recently departed.
146 Pins
Barbara Bush, former first lady and matriarch of Bush family, dies at 92
Farewell to Barbara Bush, former first lady and matriarch of Bush family, dies at 92 (1925-2018).
Farewell Lisa Marie Presley
Remembering Lisa Marie Presley after her passing - Sad news to start 2023. #lisamariepresley #elvis #elvispresley #music #legend #celebrity #memorial #obituary #famous
Harold Prince, the man who has won more Tony awards than anyone else, has died | CNN
Farewell to Broadway legendary producer, director Harold Prince, the man who has won more Tony awards than anyone else
John McCain: Tributes as Vietnam veteran and six-term senator dies at 81 - BBC News
Farewell Senator John McCain (1936-2018).
Farewell to #Cranberries #singer Dolores O'Riordan (1971-2018) who died suddenly at age 46 #RIP #music #musician
Remembering David Crosby
Remembering #singer #songwriter #musician #davidcrosby after his passing — #thebyrds #crosbystillsandnash #inmemoriam #music
Art Bell, Paranormal Radio Show Host, Dies on Friday the 13th at Age 72
Farewell to Art Bell (1945-2018) famous late night radio host known for discussing UFO's and other supernaturals.
Farewell to #Music #Legend #FatsDomino (1929-2017) - Early Rock ’n’ Roller With a Boogie-Woogie #Piano, dies at 89
Farewell to Project Runway Designer, Mychael Knight, 1978-2017