
7 Popular Games Made in Unity 3D

Some people seem to dislike the Unity engine and think of it as a "lesser engine" so without further ado, here are 7 games that are somewhat popular and made in Unity.

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Xbox Update Resetting Insiders' Consoles Back To Factory Settings

Learn about significant problems arising from the Xbox Update affecting profiles and settings in the Insiders Programme.

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jznrpg8h ago

That would really suck especially if you don’t have a backup

Reaper22_8h agoShowReplies(3)
8h ago
Reaper22_6h agoShowReplies(1)
1h ago

PlayStation Hit With More Layoffs Following Recent Game Cancellations

Sony's PlayStation Visual Arts team faces fresh cuts as the company continues reorganizing

22h ago
pwnmaster300022h ago

Hopefully they find jobs. I wonder how many were cut tho. The article is pretty vague.

Still good luck to them. Tech industry is on a shift.

Cacabunga13h ago

Put hulst and ryan in jail first.. they should be sued for this disaster. Sony’s worst gen ever

solideagle12h ago

sure let's put all CEOs who thinks its a good decision in their mind and doesn't work to go to Jail.

what kind of ridiculous statement is that? Every CEO/decision maker takes risk, sometime it works and sometimes it doesn't. I was let go by my job in 2022 because CEO has different vision, I never complained that he should be put to jail. He tried something hired us and didn't work...

Dirty_Lemons10h ago

Seems a childish response my friend. We can't always hold people legally accountable just because an idea didn't work - even if it's an idea many thought would probably go the exact way it did.

raWfodog9h ago

Hopefully that was a joke about jail time. It's hard to tell these days.

Notellin9h ago

You riled up all the bootlickers here on N4G. You can't even be sarcastic or critical about the miserable performances from the executive boards and c-suites without a bunch of uneducated hourly workers defending their corporate overlords.


Pyrofire956h ago

These were long term projects that started before Hulst took a President position.

MDTunkown1h ago

Ryan decided to invest into live service after battlefront 2 scandal so he knew people ain’t very interested in live service game

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
gold_drake21h ago

yea i saw that yesterday

the article here is super vague, its due too reorganising and game cancellations.
and it unfortunately hit the Visual Arts department.

layoffs always suck

Dandizzle11h ago

I bet the layoff in this instance is under 10 considering mentioned zero numbers. Kotaku is one of the most shitty outlets, huge grain of salt, they are known for super misleading and agenda filled blog posts they call articles.

gold_drake11h ago

yeh i never read them, they are always super oddly written too.

Reaper22_14h ago

It happens across the board with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo and other publishers. It sucks but is a harsh reality in the industry. Have empathy for all and not just the ones you support. True empathy is being non judgemental.

Gamehard12h ago

Actually, Nintendo is one of them only ones you rarely, if ever hear about this with. Not saying it doesn't happen, but if it does it must be by much smaller numbers.

Reaper22_5h ago

Nintendo does lay off but I do know that some of their higher ups have taken pay cuts to avoid layoffs. But nevertheless it still doesn't stop them all.

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AMD Radeon RX 9070 Review: Challenging the RTX 5070 Ti at $549 (-$200)

The launch of the Radeon RX 9070 series comes at a pivotal moment for AMD. Following RDNA 3’s underwhelming performance, the RDNA 4 lineup carries the hopes of mainstream PC gamers. NVIDIA’s RTX 40 and 50 series pricing highlights the consequences of a near-monopoly, making AMD’s return to competitiveness critical.

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