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j - Mr . t ) "Co 5 > 0 B has received communications from many districts In all of -which a vtry great desire ia expressed to have a pobteaii of Mr . Roberta , tbs people ' s Attorney-GreneraL We cannot wonder ttytti a strong wish should be entertained to posses * a likeness of bo trnly amiable , talented , and true a man ; and altbongh we know that Mr . O'Connor had determined to give no more Portraits , yet we have the pleasure to announce that all Subscribers for Three Montcs , from Saturday , the 16 th of Sept , ¦ will receive A FOSTRAI * OP W . P . ROBERTS . THE PEOPLE'S ATTORNEY-
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THE COLLIERIES . CASES BEFORE THE MAGISTRATES . Ddkhah , Mosdat , Sep . 13 th . —One case oenij , ied the atteation of the Magistrates . for six hours , knd the otter business -was consequently postponed . lonsdale , a hewer , summoned Briden , the viewer « f tnetxameeide coal-pit , for twelve shillings , a bailee of wages due to ihe tswnplainant , m con&e-« nsjee of his not havkig been proridedjttb sufficient ^ oA to prodnee th e amonnt « nar anteedby the , bond . Bs guarantee in the bond * ecnred co tte hewers , « Tjne with another " , 25 s . per fo » n « ht . In aparirctilar fortnight Hr . Le * sda ! e had only J ^ en able to earn 14 s . ; and Ms gammons was for the difference ^ Ke ^ vSlf ^ ed by H * Bobkkxs ; and ihe Tiewer was called upon to answer it .
Mr Mabsbaia , for the viewer , contended that Mr . Hoberts must be nonsuited -, thtt he had not proved Ms case ; that he was bound to prove , not merely that Mr . Lonsdale had not earned 26 s ., but the men on an average , including all of them , * one wilh another , " had not earned that sum . . Mr . "Roberts , in reply , contended that' one with anther" eoald only mean " -such and all of therm and that tbe construction advanced by the -ether side was too monstrous to be supported by the Magistrates . By the bond the men were prevented -working elsewhere ; by the most stringent < Hsuses they were prohibited from offering their labour to
a better aarket or to any market at all ; and if the argument of the masters was beld good , they would actually hare the power of starving the hewers to a compliance with any caprice however frivolous or ijrRnnie&k by that argument the masters -might give work producing 52 s . per week to ialf of the hewersj and be justified in refusing to give any work at all to the other halt If « uch a proposition were held good , the colliers would i > e in a far worse posirioa than the slaves of Cuba ; for the latter , whether work were given to them or not , had at all events a claim to subsistence . The solicitor on the other side had avowed
his desire to avoid all remarks calculated to widen the breach between the masters and the workmen . How could that breach be more powerfully widened * How conld t > ad , burning , and vindictive blood be more efficiently generated than by the avowal on the part of the masters ^ f a doctrine which would reduce the coal hewer to a position far below the level of the horses that worked in tbe same pit with him ! Was this to be borne with ? Was it expected that he would advise the slaves , whom it was his pride to represent—slaves , bonnd , it would appear , by a penalty of starvation : did the _ majristrates think that he would recommend Ms clients
to submit to such a doctrine—a doctrine so base , so degrading , that lumanity shuddered at its avowal 1 If the doctrine urged held good for anything , the masters onght , at all event ? , to be compelled to prove the fact on which they relied —that they had paid an average of 2 fe . per man ; for this was a feet which it was utterly impossible for him { Mr . B . ) to know anything about . JloTroTc * ho l © f » « ko « &sa with the Magistrates—¦ whichever way they decided , good would be dono ; other the masters would be taught to be more guarded in their frauds , or the men would be . knitted together in more compact union .
The Magistrates complained of the inflammatory nature of Mr . Roberts' speech . Mr . BoBERTS replied that he bad ~ dona no more than Ms duty ; and that the inflammatory nature of truth would never prevent his uttering it . \ The masters disclaimed all intention of exercising the starvation test , although , on being repeatedly pressed by Mr . Huberts , they admitted that they claimed the power—a power which they refused to relinquish ; because , as they said , they never meant to use it . After a long consultation the Magistrates decided that the burthen of proof ( that they had paid the 26 * 3 . per fortnight to the hewers " one with another ") lay npon tbe masters . This puzzled the masters considerably ^ but at last ihbj stated xhat they would prove all that was required .
Briden the viewer was then examined by Mr . Mahshaxt ., his attorney , and swore that he had paid to all lie men in the pit , one with another , " an average of os . 9 | d ., more than 263 . per fortnight . This witness was then subjected to * most rigid eross-examination by Mr . Itoberts . For a long feme he resolutely persisted in his first statement . 2 lr . B . then required the number of hewere emplojed , and tbe gross amount paid to them all ; the result was that the witness gave op his £ rst statement , and admitted that tbe 5 s . 9 hd . was an excess
npon ten consecutive fortnights , instead of npon one , as he had stated in the first instance . Upon being farther pressed—and the withering torture of the poor degraded tool , by Mr . Roberts , lasted three quarters of an hour—he admitted lhat the 5 s . 9 ^ d . excess had not been actoally paid to the men , but that such sum was what he calculated the men might have earned "had they been so minded—but they had bad advisers . " The exposure of the lies of this bloated mass—one after another , and slowly and lingeringlj drawn out—elicited groans of disgust from a crowded cotirV .
The Magistrates retired and were absent for two hours . On their return to th » Court , the chairmana large coal-p it owner—gave the decision against the claim of Mr . Lonsaale , " The viewer had sworn that snScieni work had been offered to the men to earn 26 s per fortnight , " and so forth . The decision has thu 3 been given against the fair and just claims of the workmen ^ but they aye well satisfied that they brought forward their case . The masters were- severely exposed ; the magistrates srere shaken by Mr . Iloberts * inflammatory arguments , and evidently were much divided in opinion . He cheering of the men—it was unanimous though suppressed—when Mr . Roberts avowed his determination to advise the colliers of Durham and Xorthomberland to " strike" rather than snbmit to the starvation test , was most electriaL The masters learned a lesson which they will not easilj forget .
2 < iwciS 3 XE . —Tceedat , 12 th Sept . —nine pitmen were summoned for leaving their work : the penalty they had thus incurred was three months imprisonment . On the bond beingread it appeared that the period of its expiration was " Ihirly-fonx" instead of "jor / y-fonr . " The coalmaster contended that this was a clerical error : Mr . Roberts on the contrary submitted that in a prosecution under a penal statute clerical errors were fatal . The Magistrates held wish Mr . Roberts , and themen were discharged . Immediately on thi 3 resnltacoaimasterapplied toMr . lichens ** for an amicable conversation to settle it . " " 2 s oj" said Mr . IL , ** you first drag my mtn here as criminals seeking to consign thea to a felons ' dungeon ; and then , when feiled in your tyranny , talk of * settling . * First learn to treat your workmen as honest men ; and if you must have criminals * eekfor them amongst voarstdTes . "
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DEPASTURE OF THE QUEEN O ~ S A YI 5 IT TO IHE K 1 XG OF TBE BELGIANS BK 7 GHT 0 S , 1 V £ SI > xi . According to the announcement in my letter yesterday , Her Majesty and tbe Royal suite left Brighten for -Osieml Vhia morning , at a quarter to nine o ' c ' oci . From an early honr both entrances to tfee Palace were beset by anxious -crowds of tbe Inhabitants and visitors , a military guard being stationed at both gates , creating a tfonbtas to which ronte Her Majesty wonld take to the Pier . A detachment of the Grenadier Gauds was
drawn up at thi northern entrance , forming a sort of a hollow square to keep eff the crowd , -while a similar duty was performed by a detachment of tbe Queen ' s Own Hussars at the opposite gate , opening into Castlesgnore and East-street . Tbe entrance to the Pier , and thence along the Marine Parade , as far as New Steine , overlooking the Chain-pier Esplanade , attracted tbe greater portien of the Tisitora ; but as fax as the eye could reach , right and left , was to be seen a line of faces . The beach was also covered -with spectators , and the * ea studded -with boats .
Last night the Pier Company issued bandbillB , announcing that the Pier would be closed againsf the public until after Her Majesty ' s departure , and this order -was rigidly acted-npon . The only persons on the Piei -were a snard cf nononr of the < 3 renadiers , stationed at the Piet-head , with their band , Captain PecbeU , ILPv , Mt . T . West , and Mr . X . J > . Smith ttwo of tbe ^ anaEmg directors of the Pier ) , Mr . C . Cooper , tiieii eteri , fee High-Constable , the Clerk to theComiais monets , sad the reporters connected with the iondon and local journals . ras arrangement-was made In compliance with tbe Si « 'J ^ - ^ y > signified to Mr . Cooper by the Master of the Household . Hei
SbiS ' ^^ DiDg M"J « ty and *™<* ErcSr o- —t ' - ^ " sSS ^ - " -- 2 S « Tbe Royal party alighted from their carriages at the f \ S Juspension-bridgB , ^ ew * ™^ ^ docted tj Mr . West and Mr . Smith the dbJton f tte Peb-h . ad , ^ bexe B » »^ a £ S £ ? t £ bo » B of ttie gentlemen ssseffibled there , by te >» i ,, ™ xetnrn . Xbe «« aadia . sslated , and tb . band at onS Btro ^ -np •¦ God saTC the Qaeen . "
HerMsjestypaoMd to surey the scene , -ffhich Ihe presence of tbe military made most subcatins- sad tt « , conducted- ly the directors , descended ttew ^ steni Slight ef steps , which , as well as a temporary platfonn erected for thejKirpose of fsciliJatiBg Her Msjesrj's embanation , -was corcrcd with red doth . Sir Samuel 3 ro' » n bad the honour of himfl ? ng tbe Qneen and the Boyal party into the galley , which w ^ b lying at the bottom , under the command of Lord Adolpbns FilzdaieBce . H » Msjesty , Prince Albert , and the tnite being Bested , the galley left the Pier , at which moment tbe 2 »«« y « winieaced firing a royal salute . The Chainpier lijen aainted in a sfmilar manner , and by the time th » wi orar , tbe gaSsy readied the Boyal yacht . The numerous-vessels in the Boads were decked out with flags and streainers , and the yards were aD macaed . Consecled Tritll fb » ss u ^ dei ^ bappened - » bicb -was
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likely lo prove fatal . After Her Majes t y had reacbea the yacht , one of the seamen of the Tartar revemiB cutter fell from the yard into the se ^ and had fiearly sunk , T » ben the b * at put off and plchred him up . The Boysl yacht at once got nn ^ er weigh , and pioceeded on her voyage , followed bv . eight other steamers . All w ^ resoon lef t a co nsiderable , distance behind , -with the exception of the Mercury , which took a party to London , and the Ariel , an iron steamer belonging to tbe PoEt-cffice , These two maintained tbe same pace as the Royal yacht np to the moment -when tbe yacht was lost to view , which vras at half-past ten o ' clock . The St Vincent and anolher vessel of tbe line -were in the offing , and followed tbe squadron , the flag-Bhip receiving a salute from the Pier . Dover , Sept . 12 .
Tbss afternoon at three o ' clock the Boyal yacht , the Victoria and Albert , containing England ' s beloved Queen and illustrious Consort , passed Dover from Brighton in gnflant style , with theHoyal standard floating from the oxain , and the "Union-jack from tbe mizsD . The Boyal vessel passed about a mile off the shore . It was blowing a fresh bretze from tee eastward at the time ; but such seemed the powers of tbe Tictoria and Albert that even with this head wind she walked tbe waters -with a rapidity that nothing conld exceed , leaving the other vessels in the Boyal squadron tax behind . On the Qaeen of the waters being descried off tbe westernmost of Dover Cliffs , the Royal standard was hoisted at the Castle , and the Union-jack at the heights , -while from the vesssels in the harbour and the house-tops of many of the citizens' flagB were instantly uofarled , and the entire sua front , for more than a mile , was lined -with loyal subjects , anxious to have sight of the Royal bark and its precieus treasure .
The yacht was too far off for ub to distinctly recog-» ise her Majesty ; but we think we observed her by the aid of a telescope , -with Prince Albert by her side , on the quarter deck , looking towards the shore . When the yacht got immediately off the harbour , a Boyal salute was fired from the guns at the grand redoubt ; and immediately the guns of the Castle , though they have been dumb for the last twenty years , answered tbe salute from the redoubt . These salutes had hardly died away ere tbe Boyal yacht had rounded the Sonth Foreland , and in a very brief space of time she was out of sight .
This morning several of our most experienced Cinqae Ports pilots left Dovet to guide the vesselB of the Royal squadren to Ostend . —Times .
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In another portion of this sheet will be fonnd the AVw Plan of Organisation , as agreed upon by the delegates in Conference assembled , after most mature deliberation , and thorough canvassing of its every and several parts and provisions . That Plan but now awaits the affixing of the Stal of Authority to it , by the Certifying Barrister . When that is done , ana steps are being taken to procure it , — operations under it can immediately commence . The Executive Committee , the moment that the Flan is enrolled , will be prepared to issue Charters for the holding of branches , cards of membership , books for the enrolling of names , class-books , and all other material fora due and systematic carrying out of the objects ef the Associttion .
Several parties have expressed fear that the rule 3 and object * of the Association will not be enrolled : that the certifying Barrister will refuse to perform that which is , in him , merely a ministerial act . For ourselves , we have no sueh fear . We know that tbe Barrister must enrol , if the objects , plans , and parposes of the society are legal ; in accordance wilh law ; and calculated to ensure benefjt to the members . It matters not to him what the parties joining together in such society please to call themselves ; he has nothing to do with what they may call their M principles , " if those " principles" are not in direct contravention of the law of the land . It is not for
him to inquire into these things . He has merely to satisfy himself that the provisions and laws of lbs society placed before him for enrolment are in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Bekefit Societies' Acts ; and , if they are , he must esbol ; if they are not , he must point out where they are in contradiction , and enrol the rest . With the Barrister we fear no unnecessary delay , or obstacle . Means arc being taken to test the matter verv shortly ; and by next week we confidently expect to be able to make the announcement that the Plan of Organization for Mutual Benefit has been stamped with AUTHORITY .
What a " step , in advance" thai will be ! We shall not then be the tag-rag and bob-fail ef political parties . "We shall not then be the illegal Chartists . We shall not then be an unlawful confederation . We shall be within the pale of the law ; have the protection of the law , so long as we confine ourselves to a lawful mode of seeking our XAWTCl OBJECTS . But this is not all . The code of lawa for the government of the National Charter Association for Mutual Benefit ., as set forth in our columns this day , will , the moment they are enrolled , become
as much the law of the land , as far as the society itself is concerned , as if they were embodied in Parliamentary statute . 1 b that nothing ? Will not that be of advantage ! Will not that tend to inspire confidence ? Cojtpidence in our general agitation for general principle , inasmuch as we Bhall have a legal defirUd plan of operations . Comtidesce , in the security of oar funds , because we shall have every protection that the law can give against fraud and peculation . These are advantages worth some little sacrifice to obtain . Thst abb obtained . The moment the
Plan is enrolled , that moment do our funds , all and every of them , come under the protective influence of the Act of Parliament protecting , Benefit Societies ; and under that Act we have protection for them full and ample . To shew this , we will hero transcribe from the act itself the clause which gives thi 3 protection . We do this , because we feel persuaded that confidence must be first inspired , before we can at all expect men to subscribe to our funds and nothing can £ 0 much tend to inspire that confidence , as a showing that the funds and their rightful application , are sectored akd gdabanteed
BT LAW . The Act 20 , Geo . III ., c . S 6 , sec . 35 , provides as follows : — " And be it farther enacted , that for tbe effectually preventing fraud and imposition on the funds of such societies , if any officer , member , er any other person , being or representing himself or herself to be » member of such society , or the nominee , executor , administrator , or assignee of any member of such society , or any other person whatever , shall in or by any false representation or imposition frandtilently obtain possession of tbe monies of such society or any part thereof , or having
in his or her possession any sum tf money belonging to such society shall fbaudulestlt wiihhold the sahe , and for which cfiknee no especial provision is made in the rules ef such society , it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace residing within tbe County within whicksnch SLCiety shall be held , upon complaint made on oath or tmnnation by an officer orsnch society appointed for that purpose , to summon inch person against whom auch complaint Bball be made to appear at a time and place to be named in such summons ; and his
npon or her appearance , or , in default thereof , npon due proof , npon oath or Effiimataen , of the service tin £ mmoa * ; * aaall and may be lawful for any two JwtoB residing within the county aforesaid to HS-va "^ i * /^ L convict the said party and award double the amotad tf&e matey w / naS . XS «*»* to * paid toTtr ^ f ^ ^]^ , ;
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him to the purposes of the Eoclefcy so proved to nave been imposed upon and defrauded , together with each costs as shall be awarded by tbe said Justices , not exceeding the earn of ten shillings ; and in case such person against whom such complaint Bhall be made shall not pay the sum of money so awarded to the person , aud at the time specified , in tbe said order , such Justices aTe hereby required , by warrant under their hands and seals , to cause the same to be levied by distress and sale of the goods of sueh person on whom such order shall have been made , or by other legal proceedings , together with such costs as shall be awarded by the said Justices , not exceeding the-sum of ten shillings , and also tbe costs and charges attending
such distress and sale or other legal proceeding , returning the overplus ( if any ) to the owner ; and in default of Bucb . distress bting found , tbe said Justices of tbe Peace shall commit such person so proved to have offended to the Common Gaol or House of Correction , there to be kept to hard labour for such a period , not exceeding three calendar months , as to them shall seem fit : provided nevertheless , tbat nothing herein contained shall prevent the said soefety from proceeding by indictment or complaint against the party complained of ; and provided also , tbat no party shall be proceeded against by indictment or complaint if a previous conviction had been obtained for the same offence under the provisions of this Act . "
Here then is protection . Let any member , * ' or any other person , " get hold of the monies belonging to our society , when its rules are enrolled ; and let him refuse to deliver them up , or to apply them as the rules direct , and the remedy is swift and ample . " The Justices SHALL convict the said party , and a warp double the amount of money so fbaudu-LENTLT OBTAINED OB WITHHELD . " We Bhall have precious little of running away with , or misappropriating , our funds under the New Plan of Organization for Mutual Benefit , when it is enrolled !
Here then is every thing to inspire confidence . Here is a lever put into the hands of those who have to move the public mind in favour of our objects and purposes greater and more powerful than they ever before possessed . It will be their interest and duty to use it well and effectually . The Plan then is before the conn-try . It has received the best and most earnest attention cf a delegated body , called into being for the express purpose . It is the result of their united wisdom arid joint application . It comes before the public with no ordinary recommendations or pretensions . It comes stamped with popular approbation , expressed after much deliberation , and in the only legitimate manner . It therefore caunot fail of being well received .
A lengthened eulogium of the several parts of the Plan would be here out of place . Opportunities will hereafter present themselves to comment upon them , as they are severally required to be put into operation . These comments we shall from time to time offer , with a view of making all practically acquainted with every detail , so that tbe Organization may be a bealitt and not a thing in name only . Calling attention therefore , firstly , to the Plan itself ; and then to Mr . O'Connor ' s letter on the subject , in our first page ; and with every confidence that we Bhall be able next week to announce that tbe laws are enrolled , we take a hasty leave of the question for ihe present , with . ' a promise to return to it often and again .
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days' purchase if the French people succeeded in establishing a jReDublic . His portion of royalty will at all times be best sesured by his alliance with tbe Royal family -of France . Now , we would soberly ask those who are accustomed to watch events as presented j upon the stage of life , whether with such a i stage-manager as Louis Philippe , the dramatis \ persona , tbat we have announced are likely to play the Spanish adventure , otherwise than in strict accordance with the directions given by the great artist Louis Philippe ?
God help us ! lagging , as we do , seven days behind the sharp-shooters of the press . Oar own " thunder" is enough to addle our poor brains , when we find our daily contemporaries compelled to take up our old noise as their fre « h reports . However , so it is ! Mora : than fourteen days ago we predicted what the object of the Royal visit would turn out to be . Our prophecy is in the course of fulfilment ; and the temporary tranquillity of Ireland will cause no suspension of ) those arrangements which are intended not more for the suppression of the present agitation , thau as a means for future prevention . O'Connell is still the omen that haunts their rest ; and we can well imagine the following speech from Gustavus rehearsed by Louis Philippe asam « ans of conveying his soul ' s apprehension to our foreign Minister : — i
¦ j What ' s to be done ? Now Aberdeen ; now is the time to subtilize Thy soul , sound every depth , and waken All the wonderous stateman in tbee . For I must tell thee , spite of guardiog armies , Circling nations and empires That bend beneath my nod , This cursed O'Connell invades my shrinking spirits , Awes my heart , and sits upon my slumbers .
Spite of himself , he still evades i he hunter ; And if there ' s power in heaven or in hell It guards him . j When was I vanquished , But when he opposed me ? When have I conquered , But when be was absent ? His name ' s a host ; A terror to myjlegiona ! And by my tripplo crown , I swear , O'Connell , I would rather meet all Eurepe for my foe Than see thy face iu arms ! .
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THE LAND ! THE LAND ! ! THE LAND M ! Glorious news for those who have had the fcone&ty and the : hardihood to brave the sueer , the jeer , and the scorn of the ignorant and the timeserving . Our columns are too much crowded to admit of ample commentary upon the following extract in the ; present week , aud therefore we shall content ourselves with simply announcing the source from ; whence we take it .
It is the practice with eharebrokers in the City to issue monthly j circulars , with a view of conveying the best information to the public upon all matters connected with capital , securities , investments , and speculations . For many years we have been in the habit of reading those circulars , and we have invariably discovered that those issued by Mr . Alsop , of 34 , Corahill , bare been the most luminous , the most prophetic , and truth-telling . The following extract is taken , from that gentleman ' s circular of the present month ; and while we shall refer to it again and again , for the present we would invite ihe serious consideration of every reader to the cheering prospects that it holds out .
It will be seen that the few paragraphs to which we allude , are intended as a feeler to those of Mr . Alsop ' s owui order ; and that the writer contemplates a move in the right direction for the accomplishment ef this desirable object . We do not say too much of Mr . Alsop , or more than ho deserves , when we assert that , of all others of his order , he is the most cautious in investing the capital of those who give him their confidence , while , at thft same time , bo person who knows him will attempt to deny that taking him for all in all , he has not his superior for judgment , sound sense , ability , and tact . We further understand that Mr . Alsop has very properly placed himself in a Mtu-ition wherein he mav be the better able to
form a correct estimate of the value of that security which ho may hereafter find himself justified in recommending to his friends as a profitable source of investment . Mr . Alsop has taken a considerable portion of Jand for tbe purpose of satisfying his own mind upon the subject ; and we can entertain but little doubt that the following extract is a consequence of that knowledge which he has derived from practical experience , aad to the following up of which we shall look forward with no ordinary
anxiety : — j " Tbe Government securities maintain the high prices noted in our last , and within tbe last few days a further advance of j per cent , has taken place . Tbe prices are however too hit , h under tae circumstances in which the community is placed , and are maintained at these quotations solely by tbe abundance , or rather the redundance , of money , aud tbe artificial scarcity of stack . Sbrewd and experienced observers are filled with distrust at the anomalies which abound and supply stock as it is wanted for permanent investment .
•• The amount of money now lying idle , or only producing from half to one and a half per cent , ; tbe fearful amount of the population unemployed i > r only half employed ; and the vast comparative amount of land wholly or partially unproductive , have induced us to give our attention to a practical mode by which these three elements of national ( greatness and individual happiness , now unemployed , ma ; be usefully combined together . ^ and rendered highly productive to the capitalist "If capital continues much longer to be unprofitable , we shall mature our plan and submit it for general
consideration , assuring our own correspondents that any moderate amount of capital which each may seek to employ , shall be received and applied upon a principle which , whilst it will have a security superior to the Government debt fit the present lime , will yield an interest of more than 60 per cent , above the 3 per cents , at present price , with a fair prospect ( all but a certainty ) of an increase in the ! value of tbe capital , to a corresponding extent—a feature in this plan peculiarly important , seeing tbe high price of Consols , the impossibility of any sustained improvement in them at present prices , and tbe probability of a considerable decline . "
Now growlers , growl away ! We have forced our principles upon the consideration of the monied classes , an object which we could have scarcely hoped to accomplish in our infancy . This indeed is soul-reviviDg and cheeriDg .
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THE VICTIMS . We request the serious attention of our readers to the important address following these remarks , adopted by the Conference of Delegates assembled at Birmingham , on behalf of our unfortunate brothers * ' the victims / ' their ; wives , and children . No Chartist , who read the letters of Hoyle and Williams published ia the Star a few weeks since , but mast have blushed crimson deep at the undeniable apathy and indifference , which have for some months past characterised us a * \ a ptrly in our treatment of the " Victims . " We say as a parly ; because several
' localities , and not a few individuals have been found exceptions to the general rule ; but the time basnow come when something must be done generally , and nationally , or eur character as . a great political party will be lost . Men will naturally shrink from the toils and dangers of a public advocacy of our principles when the prospect before them shall be starvation and death to their families , while they may be suffering for the maintenance ofj the truth . So long as the country had its attention absorbed with the preparations necessary for ' the holding of the lat «
Conference , and the funds of the movement were wholly required to assemble an efficient representation of the popular will for ihe re-organizing of the body ; so long we excused the but very partial efforts made to assist the sufferers . But now that the work of the national delegation is over , and breathing time is afforded to ( the people while waiting for ( he enrolment of the , new Association , we think no excuse can be permitted for the non-fulfilment of our duty . ; It ia a duly—a sacred and in '
dispensable duty—to succour those who have toiled , struggled , and suffered for us . Would we have the New Organization to succeed , we must bcg : u well in this matter . The men whom we have appointed to the high and hoaourable posts of directors of the Association ; the mea who &s district or branch officers may be summoned from their , daily avocations and jthe calm repoee of their fir » - side oirrfes , to fill their offices without fee or reward , may hesitate to respond to our call ; and vrili , at any rate , segard vrhh mtetrust oar profes-
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sions of patriotism , and view with anxiety their . own position , if they sea us failing in our duty to those who have trod before them the thorny path of popular agitation . True we hope to steer clear of the law ' s meshes for the future ; and avoid , if possible , the persecution which , has in the past decimated our ranks , and entailed sorrow upon not a few , and expense on all . Still no man who dares to play the part of an honest man and resolute patriot , can say what his own fate may yet bo , if he will , as he ought , to remain " sfcedfast to the faith "; and to inspire confidence aad zeal , it is necessary that we shield , so far as possible , from further wrong thoso who have already fallen in the strife of " right agaiust might . *'
We implore , then , of the Chartist body that they will " be up and doing , " without a moment ' s delay . We know of the poverty of the people ; but we also know that the smallest contribution from each professing Chartist would be ample to afford present relief , and the means of future support to all deprived of their natural guardians . Let there be no more delay in this matter . The wrongs of our exiled and incarcerated brothers ; the lonely
situation of their widowed partners ; the neglected lot of their orphaned children , cry aloud for us to bo stirring . 'Tis uot ftp-sympathy that is wanted ; but the tangible means of adequate relief and decent maintenance . Let the " leading spirits of Chartism , " ia every locality , see to it ! On them rests the responsibility of having this work done , and done well . It is our firm belief that the people will do their duty if the local leaders will do theirs .
Our readers will see iu the report of the last day ' s proceedings of the Conference , tbat a resolution was unanimously adopted by the delegates , setting apart Sunday , September 24 th , for a general and simultaneous collection throughout the kingdom in aid of the General Victim Fund . Of course , where local circumstances dictate the propriety of Saturday , 23 d , or Monday , 25 th , instead of the 24 th , being the day selected for the obtainment of collections , the object
of the Conference will be equally well answered . For ourselves we can see no objection why the three days should not be devoted to that object exclusively . We are of opinion that money from certain parties , and under certain circumstances , might be obtained on each of the three day 3 j when some of it would be lost by taking either < lay exclusively . But within those three days let the work be accomplished , that the Committee may have all once the means of affording substantial assistance .
Our readers will also tee that the delegates have appointed Mr . O'Connor the General Treasurer to the Association , Treasurer to the Victim Fund also All monies , by post-office order , or otherwise , must be sent—and made payable—to Mr . O'Connor , care of Mr . Cleave . Care must be taken , to specify in the letter whether the monies sent are for the Victim Fund , or for the General Fund . The Delegates also recommended the appointment of a General Victim Fund Committee at Manchester by the Manchester Chartists , to whom all applications for assistance may be made . We trust the men of Manchester will take up the subj ct immediately , and see that the Committee is forthwith appointed .
This can be done on Sunday or Monday next at the farthest ; so that we may have the names of the persons appointed in the Star of next week . Let the local committees everywhere make arrangements by the appointing of collectors , fcc , to ensure the welldoing of the work on the 24 th or other days ; and let each and all pull together in this righteous labour , for the aiding of the widow and protecting of the fatherless—remembering that " England expects that every maa will do his duty . '
THE YICTIMS' SUPPORT FUND . Address of the National Conference to ( he Chartists of the United Kingdom . Fellow countrymen and Patriots , —Having completed the special object of our mission in devising a perfectly legal Plan of Organization , the next daty which devolved upon us , as a Delegated body was the consideration of tbe situation of thoBe ardent and generous spirits , who have become the objects of legal sacrifice for our cause . Public ingratitude—exile—the loss of healththe forfeiture of every prospect which existinginstitutions afford enterprizmtr genina to pursue the allurements of fortune—with all the privation of persecution , have
hitherto been the only reward which enlightened and humane constitutional Reformers bave received at the hands of those for whom they sacrificed life , bappinesa , and country , to rescue them from slavery . Yet , stern , unbending , and ieselute ; confident in the rectitude of a just and holy cause , and inspired with tbe assurance tbat whenever the millions were sufficiently enlightened , their exertions would be appreciated ; invested with the most exalted sentiments and feelings which dignify the human character , they beheld degraded and enslaved humanity bleeding under the scourge of civil despotism ; every ennobliDg virtue Wasted ; tbe lore of liberty and the pride of nationality extinguished ;
tbe purity of religion and the sanctity of law desecrated ; the most sublime discoveries in science and government perverted , to erect a sovereign despotism of wealth and intellect over tbe most valuable orders of society , the industrious outcast millions ; and they willingly surrendered , when failing to accomplish the sacred design of freeing their country , to be immolated by the merciless tyrant at tbe shrine of imperial usurpation . Estimating properly the difficulties their effarts had to surmount , no event , however unexpected or fatal to their success , discouraged them in their arduous and hallowed undertaking . They suffered nobly , and without complaint
To their labours do we owe the proud position which modern democracy has attained , in the intelligence , numbers , and supreme iEflaence it everywhere exercises OAer public opinion . The hopes of the unhappy millions have been elevated . Tyrants no longer arbitrate and dispose of our lives , as it we were but the abject instruments of unsanctioned power . We aspire to a nobler state of existence . The spirit of the patriot has been imparted to the humblest in our ranks ; and thousands bave as generously sacrificed to acquire the liberty of our country , as the most
active and eminent in the cause . Their destitute families now look to us for solicitude and protection . What heart can resist their claims ? The ruthless arm of oppression and the oppressor's vengeance are not so cruel to the feelings of those who suffer , as wtmld be ingratitude and neglect from us , for whom and with whom they share the vicissitudes of persecution . Oar character as reformers would sink in the estimation of every class without our ranks , or amongst ourselves , were tbe widows and tbe children of our once-zealous fellow patriots , not to be the tenderest objects of our
care . This appeal the Conference rests assured will be received by every veritable democratic reformer , male and female , with the same generous feelings of humanity , which has dictated it at the present conjuncture of our movement . The moral vigour , progress , and success of our new Organization , will depend npon tbe manner \ re treat those who bave fallen victims to tbe law . Tbe obligations of justice do Dot require tbat we should do more than our circumstances can afford . Our poveity may prevent ns doing
what we otherwise might ; but let us do our utmost . We must inspire each other with confidence , if we sincerely desire to achieve our counfiry ' a freedom . Victory smiles upon our future prospects . Let the first act of our renewed struggle be the performance of a public duty to the families of our exiled and imprisoned fellow patriots . An act that will animate us with the proud consciousness of being jaet men , —an act that will consecrate every effort to regain onr rights , and establish the greatness and dignity of our country , in tbe freedom , happiness , and virtue of her people .
A Committee will be appointed at Manchester to be entrusted with the management of all funds contributed for this purpose . Let every individual do bis duty , and forward tfarengh the officers of the locality , or directly his mite te the General Treasurer . The following list will show our position , and the character of the Government . 41 imprisoned for 1 year ; 21 transported for 7 and 10 years . 20 do 2 do 9 do 15 do
12 do 21 do 13 do for life . The Conference , in conclusion , and in dnty to tha cases of those which have yet to appear at tha Court of Qaeen ' s Bench , most Beriously impress upon the country their situation . Mr . Roberta assured tbe Conference there was every probability that a complete acquittal could be obtained , provided tbe first talent of the bar could be
engaged . This will require mouey , and , certainly , if it is within the power of our body to secure their cases every legal advantage -ib point of argumentation , we surely will not allow them to be thrust into a dungeon , when a trifle from each would preserve their liberty and services to our cause . Some of tbe most able men in our ranks are In the number to be tried on the fourth count ; and ne must aav « ttiem oat , if law will sanction what jnsW »
demand * . Signed , on tebalf of tbe Conference , S ^ otRE Faebar , President . R . T . MoBRiaON , . Secretary Conference Room , Saturday , 9 tfa Sept ., 1843 .
Portrait Of W. P. Robekts. Esq.
The Wokthern Star. Saturday, September 16, 1843.
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THE CONGRESS OF MONARCHS . So , so , then ! we are not altogether such very bad prophets . Indeed , our great fault consists in running at too great a length before our cotemporaries . But however great the distance between us and the taij of tha pack , yet are the ; sure , sooner or later , upon all great questions of policy , to pick up the scent from the ground we have rau over . i When the Tariff was introduced , the one section selected by the press for general bombardment was that which was most likely to tonch the sensitive feelings of their readers— the Income Tax . We ,
however , passed over the pimple , and directed attention to the incipient wen—the admission of live stock from foreign countries . So with regard to the outbreak of last year . Caution followed caution , until the " cry of wolf" became stale and insipid . Again , our several predictions with respect to the Repeal movement are in course of fulfilment ; while Wednesday ' s Times verifies our prediction that the Editor and Correspondent of that paper would so embolden the Rebeccaites , that revolution and murder would be tbe result . Wa remonstrated , in no very measured terms , against the encouragement held out by the Times to the " Rebecca "
means of redressing sectional grievances . We contrasted the encouragement given by tbe writers ia that journal to men with arms in their hands , whose object was the redress of sectional grievances , with the anathemas thundered forth by the same writers against those who , without arms in their hands , petitioned for a mere hearing of their complaints . We }] , what has been the result ! Let the Times itself answer for its own misdeeds . Here here is the result : we find it in the Times of Wednesday last . Thus : where is all this to end ? A HOST FOUL ASD COWARDLY MURDEB HAS AT LAST BEEN COMMITTED . MuCH HAVE THOSE TO ANSWER
fob who hav £ produced this state op societt . The stupid fxcosk , ' we know nothing of it !' will sot exonerate those whose dutt it was FROM THEIB POSITION TO KNOW IT , AND TO PKEVEBT IT . " The reader will discover from our report of the transaction , to which the above " post mortem " lamentation of the Times' correspondent refers , that a poor old woman , of seventy years of a # e , earning a livelihood by her services , has been shot dead by the proteges of the Times' correspondent : by those who " were now going the right way to work to
maketbeir complaints hoard , and to ensare a redress of their grievances ; " and who , by tbe way , were cautioned against tbe contamination of Chartist interference . O ! if this " step in the right way " —a step which , was sure to fellow the encouragement held ont by the correspondent of the Times—had been taken by a Chartist , as a means of redressing Chartist grievances , where , 0 where , would our contemporary have found gall enough to blacken the criminality ? How , forsooth , the Welch sucking dove of the Times plaintively lisps , " Where is all this te end" Where ! Why as we predicted , IN THE DOCK
IN THE TRANSPORT SHIP- !! ON THE SCAFFOLD ! ! ! and with , in all probability , the Times' correspondent an unwilling occupant of the witness box 1 There ' s where it will end ! And a most fitting end for those who allow themselves to be seduced to the commission of murder by the encourment held out in the Times newspaper . But to our immediate purpose . Upon tbe subject of Her Majesty ' s visit to the King of the Barricades we struck oat our own course , while our contemporaries were luxuriating ia large importations of" Cheshire cheese and bottled stout" for the
entertainment of Britain ' s monarch . Then we have had the fitting-up of the Royal yacht ; the condescension of Her Majesty , who vouchsafed to enter into conversation with some of the Royal crew j the historic importance given to a shabby old Chateau , and a miserable old watering place ; the competition for seats in and upon the trading omnibuses ; the price of lodgings ; the smiles of Royalty , and the cheers of a hired multitude , the very gilding of the Royal yacht ; a flash from the cannon ; the thunder from the far-fetehed artillery ; the illuminations : we have had , in short , all these things ; ail that constituted a " grand jubilee , " placed vividly before the public , to screen the ministerial object to
be effected by the Royal visit . Our readers will bear in mind , that fourteen days ago we expressed the great difficulty that we felt to reconcile the visit and hasty departure of the two French Princes ; and stated that our contemporaries attributed their backward speed to the repulse given to the Due D'Atjxale by her Majesty upon the subject of his pretensions to the hand of the Queen of Spain ; and further , that their chagrin was increased by the warm reception then in store for Espaetero , who , by the treachery of the French Court , had been driven from the oouatry that he served with , so much fidelity . We expressed the difficulty that we felt at reconciling the sudden visit of her Majesty , witi the sudden departure of her guests . At that
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period the Government of the present blood-hounds of Spain had not been recognized by the Cabinet of St . James's . On the contrary , the very air re-Bounded with laudations of Espakteho , the ex-Regent , and with condemnations of the murdering crew who have succeeded him , and who are now engaged in the destruction of the remnant of Spanish liberty . The Times took a proud lead in distinguishing the merits of Espartero , and ia contrasting his mild rule with the tyrannous Government of his successors , whose first act was the destruction of every liberal institution capable of offering opposition to their parricidal machinations . It was understood that the leading
policy of those devns was to impose an early responsibility upon a poor little creature of thirteen years of . age , as a cloak for their own iniquities . All their policy was drafted out before us . They were known to be the tools of Louis Philippe and his Cabinet ; aud with this understanding , and before the first *• Cheshire" had been cut , or the first " bottle of stout" been drawn , and while her Britannic Majesty was « v her way to her cousin of France , did wo learn that tbe Government of the usurpers is formally recognised by her Majesty ' s Ministers ! and Espahtero , the bold and the brave , the honest and the uncompromising ; the King-controuliog and priost-curbing Espartero , is held up by the Times newspaper as an object of scorn !
This newspaper mist , however , did not blind oar vision . We saw Spain and Ireland through the " Cheshire" and the •« stout . " The thunder of the artillery did not deaden the French cry for a republic ; the roar of England for her Charier ; and the unanimous call of Ireland for her Parliament . We said : " be it borne in mind , that this is the precursor of a congress of mon&rchs ; a conference of majesty ; to deliberate upon the best means of arresting the cry of democracy . " We announced * that Louis Philippe would place Spain against Ireland ; and last week we directed attention to the fact , that the
English Minister had lost no time in preparing her Majesty to cover the stake without hesitation , by recognising French usurpation as the acknowledged government of Spain . However the political mechanic may scatter his fragments iu the kaleidiscope , we defy him long ; to obscure the real objeots of the Royal visit from public view . Shake it as he may ; turn it as he will ; twist it as best he can ; tbe keen eye , after all , will distinguish between Spain and Ireland ; the Charter and the Spanish marriage , and the " Cheshire cheese and bottled stout . "
The Morning Chronicle was the firat of the daily press that dared to take our viow of tbe subject ; and iho answer of the Times to that Journal is truly ludicrous . It amounts to this , and nothing more that if the Chronicle is right , Louis Fhiuw « must be infallible The Chronicle very forcibly explains the difficulties with Which the intrigues of Louis Philippe are surrounded , and the danger which failure would entail upon himself ; and what's the answer of the Times' ? Why ludicrous enough ; though quite characteristic ! It is thia : —
" It must bave been obvious to far leas cautious and experienced politicians than they ate , that sucb a movement as tbat which has just taken place in Spain was only tbe precursor of troubles to which no end can be assigned ; and to suppose that they deliberately encouraged euuh a movement is to accuse them of a polijy in which foHy certainly predominates even over knavery . If such a scheme existed , its total failure is admitted even by our contemporary ; and after having drenched us with a malignant sort of compassion for tbe ineptitude of Lntd Aberdeen , which left Spain and Great Britain at the mercy of the most artful politicians in Europe , we find that the tables are suddenly turned , and , without any assignable cause , these Machiavels are degraded to tbe level of inoffensive dolts . *'
What does the whole tenor of the above extract mean , other than that Louis Philippe will not play at odds if he can help it 1 and that in order to reduce the odds , he aud Quizot , as we predicted , have wheedled Lord Abebdeen , who will no doubt be held up in the next session of our Parliament as responsible for all the results of the Royal visit ; our prudent helmsman being too ill to sail , but well enough to stand the fog of a shooting excursion ? Is it not clear from the whole tenor of tho above extract , thst Louis Philippe has had the mantle of infallibility thrown over them by the Times for the
" nonce" ! But , are those who know tho risks that he has run , both foreign and domestic , foolish enough not to know that he is in the habit of playing his diplomatic skill against foreign and domestic ignorance 1 and to 6 uch odds he looks as the means of u taking the sting out of events . " It is true tbat total failure may follow such a scheme , as admitted by the Chronicle , under one class of circumstances ; but it is equally true that another class of circumstances may lead to a very different result . So far
then we have substantiated our former reasoning upon some of the details connected with Her Majesty ' s visit ; and we now turn to the Times for confirmation of our prediction . The Times of Tuesday has a laboured artiolo upon the subject of the Q'leen ' s visit , in which the writer endeavours to cover hia sudden retreat by a . very lame criticism upon , an article that appeared ia the Morning Chronicle , and from which we select the ' . following extract in support of our original views : —
" We trust it will be found that the evil impressions of the Whig policy pt 1840 aisippeated from France when Queen Victoria set her foot within the territories of her nearest neighbour and her most powerful ally ; or that , however they may linger amongst those in this country or in tbat who laboured to rekindle tbo fires of secular hostility , tbey are effectually obliterated from the minds of tbe men who govern tho destinies of Europe . It would fca absurd to attach to a visit which was projected and executed without
any of tbe usual formalities of Boyal etiquette all tbe importance of an international congress ; but , on the other hand , no one can doubt that it bas powerfully contributed to strengthen tha bonds of amity between the two Crowns , and all that passed , upon this occasion tended to secure our confi Jeoce in the ulbroken tranquillity of Europe . So true it is , tbat no sooner are France and England at variance , than peace is in perpetual jeopardy -, no sooner are they united , than its maintenance is secure . "
Now , we ask if any man , the greatest fool , can , after reading the above extract , attach other than great political importance to her Majesty ' s visit 1 But beyond the above , we find the following admission in tho same article , confirmatory of the fact that the Royal visit was a , political and not a mere friendly visit . The leading journal says— " Lord Aberdeen naturally accompanied his Royal Mistkess on this memorable occasion ; and the ministers to whom the f 0 bei 6 n affaibs 09 thfcse two GRE . vT Nations are entrusted enjoyed the rxrr
ADVANTAGE OF A DIRECT PERSONAL CONFERENCE ON the questions of the day . " From all these admissions , then , we learn that foreign affairs did constitute a portion of the business of tho day ; while , however crookedly let out , the Times is compelled to say something about an " iuternatioual Congress , " and the "powerful strength which her Majesty's visit is calculated to give to the two countries . " . Now is not this precisely what we said , with this mere addition—that that strength woald be used for the purpose of opposing democratic intrusion ?
But we have not done with the subject . We will stick to Spain for yet a bit . Let us reason upon the further influences to bo used in furtherance of Louis Phillips ' s design with respect to that country . Our Queen is now in Belgium , on a visit to the King of the Belgians ; aad let us See how the Royal circle while assembled there stand in relation to any project interesting to the French King . Who , then , h the King of the Belgians ! He is uncle to our Queen . Who is the Queen of the Belgians 1 Sao is the daughter , and the favourite daughter , of the
King of tho French . Who desires to marry the Spanish Infant , with a fertile nation for her dower 1 Ths Due D'Aumale , brother to the Queen , of the Belgians , and brother-in-law to the King of the Belgians . And tho Belgian King himself is nearly related to our Albert , and to the whole tribe of the Saxe Cobourgs . Who , above all other mo naroha has the greatest interest in strengthening th « Bourbon dynasty , and in making France the arbiter ? of the world I The King _ j > f the Belgians , as a matter of course , for Lib throne would not be worth three
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 16, 1843, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct499/page/4/