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loo loo. 327
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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-^*. «- Scene Iv.
gain more appear time cheerful to . be You submissive than will be , and have rescued go been . with . Destroy " Mm Under . this Plead this , and was weariness don written _'t , seem and , in
Madame Labasse ' s hand you , " Soyez tranquille , ma chere . " Unaccustomed to act a part , she found it difficult to appear so sad
as she had been before the reception of the note . But she did her best , and the gaoler observed no change .
Late in the afternoon , Mr . Grossman made his appearance . Don " Well 't , my think beauty , " should said he like , " are house you rather tired of better the ? " calaboose ? my
you you She yawned listlessly , and , without looking up , answered , " I am very " 1 tired thoug of ht stay so ing " here rejoined . " her masterwith a chuckling laugh .
" I reckoned I should , bring you to terms . , So you ' ve made up your mind not to be cruel to a poor fellow so desperately in love with
you Sh , — e -ha made ven't you ? " werand he continued" You re readto y go
, , home with me , —are you ? " " Yes , sir , " she replied faintly . have at those
" Well , then , look up in my face , and let me a peep devilish He chucked handsome her eyes under . " the chinand raised her blushing face .
She wanted to push him from her , , he was so hateful ; but she remembered the mysterious orange , and looked him in the eye
with passive obedience . Overjoyed at his success , he paid the gaoler his fee , drew her arm within his , and hurried to the short car ride riage ! .
she How shrank many from humiliations the touch were of crowded his soffc into swabb that hand ! How How she loathed the gloating looks of the old Sat , yr ! But y she remembered
the Arrive orange d , at and his endured stlish it house all stoicall he escorted y . her to a large chamber
y , elegantl " I told y furnished you I would . treat you like a princess , " he said , " and I
will He keep would my have word seated . " himselfbut she prevented him- ; _raying ,
" I have one favor to ask , and I shall , be very grateful to you if you will " What please is to it grant , my charmer it . " ? " he inquired . " I will consent to
anything She reasonable answered , . " " I could not get a wink of sleep in that filthy pritill to
p son lace " , Ah and ? ! It I wh am grieved y did extremel you me y to compel tired cast . such me Please to a pearl sen leave d among you me to swine that -morrow abominable . Well . " , I
want to convince you that I am a kind master , so I suppose I must consent . But you must reward me with a kiss before I go the . "
This was the hardest trial of all , but she recollected danger of exciting his suspicions and complied . He returned it with so
much ardor that she pushed him away impetuously , but softening *
Loo Loo. 327
loo loo . 327
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1859, page 327, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011859/page/39/