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¦* »¦ The Other Day I Walked With Madame...
some of Ms little village companions strolled into a wood to gather flowersThey remained hunting about for violets till late in the
. affcernooon , and the sun was already setting when Rene left his companions in the village and ran along the lane to the dinglehis
, hands full of violets for his mother , of whom he was very fond . It ¦ was dusk in the dingleand in the house quite dark . To the child ' s
surprise no candle-light , or ruddy fire welcomed him . All was mournfullsilent about the lace . The hill only echoed back his
moaning voice y as he cried aloud p for . his mother . Early the next morningwhen two Dominican Brothers passed through the dingle
on some , charitable mission , the open door of the house , drops of blood about the path , and the stiff lifeless body of a shepherd ' s dog
the upon lifeless the threshold dog , and , attracte entering d their the hearth house attenti a on horrible . stretched They sp stepped e the ctacle lifeless over met
forms their si of ght the . farmer Across and the his kitchen wifeand close lay to his mother ' s side the little boy who had wept himself to , sleephis faded flowers stained
crimson by his side . The good Brothers , carefully lifted up the sleeping child , and one of them carried him to the monastery
whilst the other gave alarm in the village . Strange to relate , no trace of the murderers could be found . The only circumstance
bearing shortl which ever after a respectable drew the trag susp character ical icion occurrence in in any the direction to nei be _ghboiirhood suffering being that , from was a observed a farmer severe ,
wound y in the throat , apparently caused by the bite of a dog , and from which he never thoroughly recovered , dying within a year ,
as it was supposed , from the effects of the bite . No one dared act upon do in mere the world suspicion and , the this father man being -in-law of of a ferocious the confidential nature , well steward
-to-, of the De Bonnevals . " Little Rene spent his early years in the monastery . The tragic his mind
incident of his childhood was indelibly stamped upon , monks the and an unspeakable world gave taug , a a ht deep melanchol him love sense to regard and y of coloring awful the as his cruelt reverence to mother y his and , op of wickedness grew ening the Virg lip life in in . of , whom the man A fear child , and the of .
Love of nature and of books took the place , of ordinary domestic affection . Timid , gentle , devoutly religious , conscientious and even
austere in the discharge of all his duties towards God and man , he vowed himself to the priesthood . He neither comprehended nor
desired to comprehend the ties of human life ; he yearned alone to serve the Invisible One by every thought and deed , and to live
rather in the inner than the outer life ; striving to fulfil his duty to his neighbour , not so much because finite he was his and brother the as because of
the his nei Virg ghbour in mother was . a child Thus of little the Rene In in One course of time protected became the Cure of Puit _' aux Pres , and his sway over the minds of the peasants
. is remarkable . "
The Sorrows Of Estelle Lamage. 408
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Feb. 1, 1859, page 403, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01021859/page/43/