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Speeches Kedpath , Lectures 221washingto...
his hands confid . They ent expectation begin by of howling a full redress at him for , demanding all wrongs that at their he the faithful
reporter b shall y these retract tells speeches his of hisses , words the Am and ; and erican uproar again news . In and papers the again ten have years broug covered ht us h crowds in
at the accounts him streets whilst of of Mr he Bos . Philli speaks ton ps rag , in ing escorted Cin for cinnati his by life officers . Yet , and every throug of stones word in hurled this
volume whilst them as the is if such trial they as were of Pym Strafford on would his side was have , and going spoken shatters on to . the He before Presb stands h their yterians before mad eyes
their of the Bosto Websters official and representatives , Everetts secretary , and of . state Ohoates Whilst at Washington , Mr whom . "Webster they here is ave the is what idol e
this critic n says of him before a miscellaneous , assembly in Boston :
our never " attacks Men be blam made . It e to us results stay for the and from bitterness argue our position a long of our . question The language great . Th mass and ey launched the must of the personality be peop made le can to of
into feel it the throug rhinoceros h the hides hide of of a their Webster idols . or When a _fBenton you every have whig and your democrat spear feels mistakes it . It of is great on this princi God ple th ives at every us great reform scoundrels _, must take for for texts its text to anti the
slav Webster ery sermons that you . exh men See ibit to . it him , when — g himself Nature a whole has provided menagerie you —throug a monster hout like the
position lavishl country y . , like gifted It is that not by which Nature often , he in , and occup the called wide ied on world , in the the ' s seventh history concurrence of , that March you of , since surrender see events a the man , to his so a
great of of a Luther mig power hty , has , peop and ever le quench . held He in the stood his hig , han like h hopes d , the so pal of Hebrew his pabl race y , prop the . No destinies het man , betwixt , and the character living days
effaced honesty and the for , dead and ever . the . He He black had bowed but dishonour to his have vassal of up two hel head d hundred the to cross the temptations years of comm would on of h truth ave the been flesh and Delilah of for
and of lucre . He gave himself up into the lap of the slavery , the mere promise of a » omination ; and the greatest the hour of the of age was of
pottage often bartered that — away a Providence promise , not , for thank permits a mess Grod the of ! pottage which of twenty is , but to for be millions broken promise of . thinking I say , a it mess peop is not le
to down behold into the that fall ' lower of another deep of Lucifer the eyes lowest , from deep the ' very of hell battlements . [ Great sensation of heaven . ] should be the
On such a text how effective sermon I " A distinguished Boston United merchant States , to J . H . Pearson his bri , Esq ., had _,,
it seemsallowed the use g " Acorn " to Mr carry . Philli , the ps fug makes itive the slave following Sims back mention to the of South him : — ; whereupon ,
" The fault that I rather choose to note isthat the owner of the brig th Acorn shrinks at Joh can from n H walk , . his Pearson up side Stat . walks But e Street we our , will and streets be put as the as honoured erect fact , , that as a ever man he , owned as and he no was th merchant at before brig , ; and the infamous uses he made of it , so blackly on record , that his children—
414 Notices Of Books.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Feb. 1, 1864, page 414, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01021864/page/54/