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* Sympa Women Thy Always With Suffering ...
were a recognised class ; in China , Japan , India , and Turkey , at the pre all s of ent the day Continental , this service countries is performed of Europ by e women they are . In regularl most , y if edu not
cated , in schools provided by the Governments , trained in the public it hosp was In itals a paragrap stated , and that dul h y in the licensed the Boston medical to Medical practise profession . and Surg in i Austria cal Journa consiste l , in 1856 d of ,
apothecaries 6 , 398 physicians —the , women 6 , 148 numbering surgeons , 18 3 , , 307 798 more inidwives than , the and men 2 , 951 in
their three departments . In Great Britain and the United States , where kindred
customsprevail service , have the encroachments proceeded to of a men greater upon extent this department than anywhere of female else .
from The disp the lacement fact that of the -women medical has schools been very and the gradual hospital and practice has resulted
haveof been and men have appropriated into consequentl this office by y men been began , while set in aside France women as incompetent about have been two centuries left . The in ignorance intrusion ago , in ,
England thirty or forty years later , and in this country about a century educated ago and . In exten France sivel the sages loyed fewnmes . In Great are still Britain systematicall this class y
y emp of women has not died out—the census of 1851 returning 2 , 882 midwivesand in the United States many times that number must
be practising ; without special training for the office . The following inscritionfrom a gravestone in our neighboring
p , sional city of women Charlestown and of , g the ives estimation an . idea of in the which position they were of these held profes at the
period indicated , . The quaint simplicity of the record and its conthere spicuou existed s publishm a freedom ent give from proof exquisite that along and affected with delicate refinements custom — s
things " Here sadl l y reversed Interre in d the our day Bod . of Mrs . Elizabeth Philliwife y ps ,
to Mr . John yes Philliwho was Born in Westminsterin Great Britain , and Commissioned ps , by John , Lord Bishop to of this London , , in the in
year the Year 1718 ; 1719 to the ; by office the of blessin a Midwife g of , God and , came has Brought country into this _, world above 3000 children . Died May 6 th 1761 aged 76 Years . "
on The the Art writer of lias Midwifery before , " Mm & e . " a B volume y Mrs . Elizabeth of , 471 page , Nicholl s , _"A , professed Treatise invasion
Midwife of men into , " published her profession in London , she in says 1760 , " Besides . Speaking , it is even of the ridiculous
to confine the practice of midwifery by females only to early ages . Who does not know that it was so in all ages , and in all countries , t into
something till just the of present a fashion one in , in two which or three the countries innovation ? The has crep exceptions
before , or anywhere else , to the general rule are so few , that they are scarce worth mentioning . "
In 1759 Sterne employed his satirical pen against " the seien _*
* Female Physicians. 5
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), March 1, 1862, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01031862/page/5/