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* !For Five Centuries Koine Lield Britai...
method incurre Prior to d " f was the & r the changed introduction bride , ' s tlie rearing nature of Christianit * and of tiie education y transaction marriage . Thus was was , thoug identical simp h ly tlie a .
foster legal -lean transaction _, and publicl . The y gave bride her ' s famil to her y were husband , present a cus . tom , accep built ted the the latter part of the Saxon periodupon
the were During Norman contracts system to marry of " at a pous future als , " time was . introduced , They were . , s Espousals _iibject to
fixed laws and forms . It was essential to their validity , that the The contract friends was assembled entered into and with the the bridegroom free consent formall of y both promised parties to .
treat his betrothed well , " according to God ' s law , and the custom of society . " Besides this , , he was reasonable required time to g perform ive a wed his , or
security , that he would , within a , promise calle . d " This forspeakers ived was " placed _ISText in the the bridegroom liands of stated trustees what , who he were
inhereafter tended to ) , g and ive the as a . provision foster-lean he _, as could a morgen make - in gift event ( of which of his more wife followed these
liminaries surviving- him After . The hand ceremony -fasting of they the exchange espousals gifts . That given
preh ox y the to a bridegroom coin . . He was also called laced a rha ring _, upon earnes tlie t , and rig varied ht hand from of his an p
promises betrothed espousals . . and A Securit considerable the marriage y was g time iven . The sometimes for law the provided mutual intervened ratification for the between non- of fulfil the the
ment contract of within the engagement two . If he the forfeited man neg the lected foster to -lean comp . lete If the the years
refusal an addition came of from one the -third lad to y , , then its ori the ginal fost value er-lean . was Thus returned , nothing , with was taken upon trust , every unromantic step was accompanied by certain conferred stipula real
tionswhichhowever they may appear , underl and From sub , ing st legal antial , sentiment formalities benefits upon In it is the the pleasant tran contracting slation to turn made p for arties a by moment . King Alfred to the
of of Boethiu a wife y s , for a passage her husband . occurs . in He which says he , " describes Liveth not the thy feelings wife She has
celled also ? all She other is exceeding women ly in purit prudent y . , and She but very lives thee modest now She . for has thee , thee ex h -
alone . Henceshe loves nothing else . enoug for of every thee good She , has in this shunned present it all life because ; but she she has has desp not ised thee it also all .
think This one that . thing all which is now she wanting to is her nothing . Thine . absence Hence for makes thy love her
possesses she is wasting , and well-nigh dead with tears the and sorrow . expressed "
the Even same in tender the derivation and noble sentiments of proper . names Thus , , Editha Saxons means " The EadifaThe
Blessed Gift ; _" Adeleve , _" The Noble Wife ; " g , " Happy
Women In E3n T Gklais T D. 171
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), May 1, 1863, page 171, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01051863/page/27/