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-Afta— At The Southern End Of The Rue D'...
Pyrenees . Thanks to the letters they carried , the travellers were hospitablreceived at each halting-laceand furnished with a trusty
guide for y the next march . In this p way , they crossed the mountains , and gained the lonelposada of Canfanthe first on the Spanish side
bounnquairos of the ridge , where ( muleteers , y for ) six with weeks their , they strings , saw no of living mules - souls , who but would the
halt for the night at the little inn , setting * out at the earliest ray of morning for their descent on the opposite side of the mountains .
The people of the posada lived entirely on curdled sheep ' s milk ; the sole article of food the party could obtain on their arrival . At
one time , by an early fall of snow , they were shut out of all communication with the valley . Their threatened starvation was
averted by the exertions of Mademosielle Micas , who managed to a quantity of frogsthe hind legs of which she
hearth enveloped procure . On in leave these s , frogs and toasted they , live on d sticks for two over days a , fire when on the the
hostess was induced to attempt the making of butter from the milk of her sheep , and even to allow the conversion of one of these
animals into mutton for their benefit . Their larder thus supplied , and black bread being brought for them by the bourriquairos _, from
some village a very long way off , the party gave themselves up to the pleasure of their wild life , and the business shirts of sketching their . The
arrival of the muleteerswith their embroidered , pointed , welcome hats , velvet event jackets Rosa , and paid leathern for wine breeches for them and sandals and they , was , in always return a ,
. , throw performed themselve their s national down for dances the niht for upon her : sheepskins after which before they the would fire g
furnishing subjects for many . _-picturesque _croqxiis . As the posada little was a party police felt station perfectl , established y safe , notwithstanding there as a terror its loneliness to smugg . lers , the
With her Scotch tour , Rosa was so much pleased , that she will probabl agreeable y revisit associations a district , and from a wonderful which she little has Sk broug ye terrier ht away , named many
holds " Wasp in , " great of the purest affection breed , and , and for remarkabl whose benefit y intelli she gent has , which learned she several English phrases , to which "Wasp" responds with appreciative
works and In grateful the of prime nature wagg of which her ings talent of the , constantl her tail . pencil y in communication and determined with not the to
occupy , noble Bonheur marry works , but may to that devote be will confidentl her worthil life y exclusivel expected maintain y , to to if produce her they favorit may a not long e art hei line , ghten Rosa of , \ y
excellencies the reputation of her _^ _she private has alread character circle y acquired of , admiration will ; assuredl while and the y win virtues for ect . their and ever-widening resp
possessor an Paris , May 15 , 1858 . A . B .
Rosa Bonheur. 248
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), June 1, 1858, page 243, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01061858/page/27/