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Intelli " So " To You Gent Be See Sure F...
u Intelli chiefl nreasona y gent devoted bl Friend e , that to is it tlie not is excited elegant in the hy least arts every , strong her thing intell -minded and ects nothing , her to subj time * . ect M is y s
which have but little bearing on our fluctuating values , and her opinions and remarks , when not influenced by personal sympath She y ,
adopted are certai a nl sing y tinged ] e article - by a of covert attire satire having on all the extremes most remote . aflinity never innocent
with any parts of the Bloomer costume , and is indeed as of strong-minded propensities as any lamb ! will describe herand
you Mrs shall . tion Armstron jud and ge to g for on species yourself the contr of . ary creature Mrs , — . Armstrong but whi I ch seems belongs to me to a to , past be
genera , a lon _XDassing g descended away . line She of was squires an heiress , broug in ht her up own wild ri in ght the , the country last of ; in a
her youth a sort of Lady Die Spanker . She married the younger son herself of a nei and ghbouring made him squire assume , had her all maiden her properly name of ti Armstrong ghtly secured . His on
name died earl had , y , been leaving Courtenay her with , but one that boy did , Courtenay not matter Armstrong . Her husband ; and all
over this plastic little creature his mother ruled supreme during h his er infancy earlhabits and youth of horsemanshi . A bad fall from which her included horse made hunting her renounce , but she p
still she and supported Mrs drove y . Armstrong to the the meet " ri ' s , hts loud Courtenay of hosp her itality , order ambling " and against the after energy her poachers on with his and pony which va- ;
grants were handsome long the — admiration g a large scale of the — , and county her . wealth At this caused time many she
was very -on instead to think of that their they own too . could But she gracefully invariabl adop refused t the name to part of Armstrong a second - y
time with even a fraction of her liberty , and she devoted herself , after her own ideas , to Courtenay . Of to him she that certainl she abominated y wished to
milksops to make ak a man , fi but gurativel , for her she love was overlay of rule accustomed ing was him too and strong say thoug ; she h he could escaped not actual help ,
spey , , suffocation How that in woman a physical harried sense her , he tenants hardly ! escaped Not that it she in a was moral exactl one y . to meddle ith
unkind and manage , and certainl despoticall y not y grasp in every ing into , thing but school she . She contrived which coaxed she dressed and bullied w and
of taug every Edward ht female just VI as child . it She mi in g tried her ht have parish to marry been dressed all a the young and taug folks ht , in not the as rei they gn
wantedbut as she wanted ; sometimes trying to bring together the heirs at others to , conti using guous all her lots influence of land because in sundering it would the improve course of her true farms love ,
because been son finall expected it fell dwelt , out it was at . opposite He upon gave thi ends in s delicate to of her the question imp parish licitl . y th , till at As she mi one g and ht day have her she
bund out y he had married a merchant ' s . daughter in a neighbouring
362 Things In General.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Aug. 1, 1859, page 362, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01081859/page/2/