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«- X. A Pottjle Op Stea.Wbeeeies. Adopti...
and furnish , a rosy fragrant dessert even amid the snows of £ _> _aplandj the chief fractal blessing left in Nature ' s cornucopia when jiearly
all the rest have dropped out of it as she has passed on her way to the barren Pole . They are much eaten there fresh , as a part of the
frugal fare of the inhabitants , and enter also into the composition of " Kappatialmas , " which , as the national dainty , may be called
the plum-pudding of the Polar regions . . If strawberries be laid in a heap and left to themselves , it is
found that they decompose and pass through the , various stages of decay without undergoing the acetous fermentationnor can their
, kindly temperament be soured even by exposure to the more powerful action of the stomach , where , being composed almost entirely of
peculiarly soluble matter , they dissolve , and . J . _< leave _npt a wreck behind" to cause _internal commotion or ninder . digestiqn . There
are few conditions , therefore , of the human frame in wMch _^ _^ ey are not positively salutary ; fewer still in which they pan possibly
produce any evil effect . They promote perspiration and _temper ! tot blood in the healthyand offer such advantages to tie diseased
, that it is almost wonderful there has been no system of _Fragario-: pathy yet established , or that they should not at least have had
such a " tide in their affairs" as bore nauseousJbrandy an _^ or yet viler tar-water , on the flood of public favor for a
timeasuni-, yersaHy-tried specifics . Taken internally tlieyrelieve the agonies of gout , and prevent it also , for _Linnseus kepthimself almost free from
his " old enemy , " by always eating plentifully of this fruit whenever it was in season . From their action on calcareous secretions , they
are likewise beneficial to patients suffering from stone ; and finally , Abercrombie bears witness that " Hoffman has known consumptive
people cured by them , " and assuredly the process must have been _^ vastly pleasanter than a course of cod-liver oil . Nor are they less
potent as a cosmetic than as a medicine , for it is a well-known & ct that they are a natural dentifricedissolving the tartareous
incrus-, tations of the teeth and sweetening the breath , while Du iEIamel afiirms that their distilled water clears and embellishes the skin .
It is evident , therefore , that they only need some enterprising individual to bring them properly before the public , by a due amount
of advertising , in order to supersede half the nostrums now in v vogue ; and make at once the pills of Parr , the oil of Cabburn , and
the Odonto and Kalydor of Kowland , hide their diminished heads before the glories of all-healing , all-beautifying strawberries . For ?
turiately , the fruit is sufficiently attractive to need no knowledge of its more occult virtues to recommend it to all witidn whose reach it
may come . _, Even the leaves of the plant have not passed unhonored , having
been even ' chosen to figure to on adorn the royal the coronets crown of of S our pain own and hi the ghest diadem nobles of _^ yea tlie ;
once why mi thi g s hty leaf emp in ire particular of Germany was . advanced Xhe reason tp , if such any di there gnity w , ere the
404 3fruits In Their Season.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Aug. 1, 1861, page 404, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01081861/page/44/