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A « The Subordination Of Parts To The Wh...
the plan Most of making Hih this he has world but a . to Temp round le meet his shaft for the or dwelling carve his -p corb lace el of
and then place g , it where he will , irrespective of , what his neighbour , has done or is doing ; that he may rudely seize and appropriate
the pedestal another had prepared as a base whereon to rear his own column ; or coldly isolate himself or his little band of
immediate assistants from all the rest of his . comrades because they are or devoting a tower - part of which of their he labour does to not a see pinnacle the use which . "When is not ar to tificers his taste are ,
animated by such a spirit as this , each fellow-labourer is soon looked on as a rival ; from rivalry springs jealousy , from jealousyr
benefit enmity , the until grand at last result , instead for which of cheerfull all should y co-operating be striving for becomes mutual _,
almost , forgotten , and the Temple is left unfinished , while each hews his block into self-supporting shape , and sets up a solitary
stone . And are such stones even sublime in their solitariness ?' Nafor a monolithto be grandmust be of gigantic dimensions
y , , , _^ what and if it it woul fail d to be attain and is grandeur notand it call is at it once not small ridiculous but . We . see It - ; puny
is not so with the unpreten , ding stones , , however minute , , the solewhich design of which thus form is to together be used an in erection combination far surpassing with others in beauty , and may
and utility anything that could be afforded by a single mass , howin ever vain great majest . Chan offering gelessly not monotonous even a shelter in _^ form from , the noon obelisk -tide towers glare , -
y , or covert from midnight blast ; while the Temple , with its many stones piled in and infinite variety , displays that every charm that need can
Is please it better the eye , then , , that serves we individuall every purpose y—is it better humanity that the can Society . , or Associationor Institutionwith which we have especially
identified ourselves , —should chiefl , y aim to rear an obelisk , or to add a stone to the Temple ?
leading characteristi Independence to indep c of of endence our thoug day ht , of , the happ action tendency ily , a in growing to conjunction subdivision feature with of of the wan another labour age t of , , _, - . ts most who become impressed with some special
promp limits ganization humanity tills to peculi may seek often arl to y minister devoted be the most to to th it at judicious by one mean purpose s p of lan formin , ; as and securing g within a whether new fresh due
orzeal and undivided interest in the task ; but it is a question it organizations may not be which carried have too far gathered , and _whether strength adap and tations experience of existin from g
Time , might not sometimes more effectually promote what is defear still sired to that th work an the the on very calling , may princi become into p ar le atel being to a which princi from of entirel , p they others le of y owed dissolution new continuin their ones . birth ? Is to Those , there separate allowe who no d began by setting g
up sepy
362 Stones Of The Temple. I I
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Aug. 1, 1863, page 362, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01081863/page/2/