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knowledge which mark Lord Brougham as one of the most strenuous ¦ and The enli courts ghtened of reformers the various of the departments age . were well att - ended
department throughout — the -Social leng Economy thened proceedings —which met ; * but at it noon is in on the Friday fifth ,
_^ attracted Lttgust 16 so th , crowded that our an special audience interest that c it entres was . with This difficulty department those
who were to take part in the proceedings could make their way to they the p were latform that , and a passage it was could only upon be effected the representation for them throug as to whom h the
densely packed assemblage , which , we are glad to find , numbered a large The proporti Honorable on of Jud ladies ge . Longfield presided , and Condition the first of paper the
read "Working was Women that by of Miss Eng Bessie land and Parkes France , " On , " which the forms the first article of the present number .
Miss Emily Faithfull then read a paper , entitled " Women Compositors Miss Parkes , " which read the will _" also Report be found of the in Societ our current y for the pages Promotion .
of the Employment of Women , " a paper drawn up by Miss Jane Crowethe active and indefatigable Secretary to the Society , and
which , we shallhave the pleasure of giving in our next number : after which Miss FaithfuR read a papercommunicated by Miss
Jessie Boucheretton " Local Societies for , Promoting the Employ-, ment of Women . "
' _& paper by Mrs . Bayley , on the " Employment of Women , " was experience then read " proved by one that of the before secretaries the wants . The of result our homes of many could years be ' _,
women supplied should women be ' s " work keers should at home be . " very The much going lessened out of — women in fact to , ep
• work seemed to have arisen from necessity , but there was now an extended taste for itThis was a great mistakeand would
. , be found productive of many evils , and the cause of ragged women arid drunken husbands . It was calculated that five millions sterling
was expended in England on washing , and that half that amount women was dresses annuall mi engaged ght y spent be in much in the drink work reduced by and , laundresses for washing it was . machines The brutalising labor should of to laun the be
generally introduced and worked , by men . The going out of a woman to work was a waste of healtha waste of facilitya waste
total of life abstinence , and by all would means prevent ought to the be necessit prevented , y for . women The prevalence going , out of _^ -
keeps the quantit up the y of pric corn e of used bread for , and the , it purpose was riot of the distillation want of money constantl tha y t
made Mr the _Hastings raggedhom had . es broug . ht this questionhe saidfor the first
. , , time before the Association at Birmingham , and it was gratifying ,
to him to find that year by year the question had gained in public
Promotion Of Sggiaii Science. 53
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Sept. 1, 1861, page 53, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01091861/page/53/