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Report Acts rela of the ting Commissione...
The Siclc Room and its Secret, tj Mrs. G...
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A B Guide Y A Banker To The 'S Daug Unpr...
the continu Ready e to Reckoner pay at the , and usual also quarters in most . Almanacs ) what you owe , and then
" Each Servant should give a receipt , with a stamp if above _£ 2 , and sign a receipt like this : — Received of C JD . the ¦ sum of £ 8 6 s . 6 d . in full payment
of my wages , up to this day of , 1863 . John _Baring .
" Servants are entitled to be paid their wages monthly . In the event of Bankruptcy in full , they and are have entitled the _preference to be paid of other a sum creditors not exceeding . three months ' wages
" Hiring . — , At the time of hiring , in order to avoid future disputes , it is Servant necessary provide to come washing to a , distinct and whether understanding tea , sugar , whether , and beer the , are Emp or loyer are not or
Included " Agreements in the wages in writing . Also for , the if perquisites hire of Domesti are allowed c Servants or not are . exempt from duty "' Boole . about Servants . —There is an excellent book published "On the of Domestic Servants and their Masters and
Mistresses Bights , Duties , " by , and T . Henry Relations Bailliss , M . A ., Barrister-at-Law ; published by Sampson At the end of the , price book is Shilling a lossary . of the technical terms
used in businesswhichwill be g found serviceable . Also a list of hand-books on _, special , subjects , such as Investments , the
Rights of Landlord and Tenant , Domestic Servants , & c . These her have to been those referred who require to by further the author information , and are upon recomm any particular ended by
question .
Notices Of Books. 65
Report Acts Rela Of The Ting Commissione...
Report Acts rela of the ting Commissioners to Transportation _appointed and Renal to Servitude enquire into . E the yre operation & Spottiswoode of the . At length this voluminous Report is before the public , and in w the ill
supply much valuable information to all those interested leng u Convict th of sentences Question . " the The olicy chief of remission points discussed the expediency are : —the of
granting tickets-of-leave , _, p transportation , and , the relative merits of the English and Irish systems . most
of minu The penal tel question y . servitude The , of superiority gran is ting constantl of tickets the y Irish -of asser -leave over ted is . the entered Especiall Englis into h y , st the em i
reference the Com convict missioner to 's transportation li s berty appr , ov before e the , no returning Iris satisfactory h p lans him for upon solution graduall society y is ncreasing offered . With to that difficult problem .
The Siclc Room And Its Secret, Tj Mrs. G...
The _Siclc Room and its Secret _, tj Mrs . Geldart . Partridge . Is _., illustrated . library This is or a nicel to read y-written aloud littl at e a book mothers , an ' d meeting suitable fo The r a v object illage
health of the . , tale The is scene to teach is laid in a in pop a labourer ular mann ' s cottage er the sanitary . . The husband laws of
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Sept. 1, 1863, page 65, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01091863/page/65/