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W Nearly A Year Has Now Passed Since, Th...
nary training ; : Miss Dence , the mistress of one of the best private asylums in _Englandwas regularly educated under the leading
physician who ha 5 devoted , himself to ameliorating the condition of the insane ; and there are now several establishments under the direct
sanction of the Church of England , in which ladies are conducting refuges for their own sexeach undergoing a certain probationary
, discipline . Thus we find in every department of benevolent exertions the
want of efficient machinery for teaching those who are to help others . And this knowledge is necessarily of two
kinds—intellectual and practical . Books alone will not give it , nor will books and oral instruction combined suffice . Not only must the mind of the
worker be furnished with all necessary knowledge , but the habits of the worker must be trained in activity , prudence , and control .
Such workers can only be trained in the works they are eventually to performjust as the swimmer can only be taught in water . In
religious communi , ties this is effected by receiving beginners into the life of community;—among us it can only be effected by
receiving female pupil-teachers , as it were , into all our institutions , and this can only be done by the consent and co-operation , in many
cases . of Government , in all cases of the men who control all our institutions in England .
The pressure may " come from without ; " it has come from _withoiyfc , and it only needs to give it a right direction . Moreover ,
almost all the best men who are working in philanthropic reform say that they want female help to carry out their purposes properly ;
but it will be of little * good to ourselves , or to them , or to the poor , the ignorantthe sickor the criminal objects of their solicitudeif
it be desultory , and untrained , . We must appeal to men to give , us the necessary opportunity of learning ;—in factto help us to"help
them . , On one more subject I desire to suggest attention .
In enumerating the women who have achieved useful careers , Mrs . Chisholm must not be forgotten ; and in this connexion she
is doubly to be remembered . While endeavoring to relieve the strain of female necessities , we must not forget that our colonies
are eminently in want of women of every rank , and that they are the natural destination of the great surplus which exists in
England . If it were possible to plant those who are suffering and struggling at home ( with problems which at the best are very hard
for most women to solve practically ) , in useful independence or happy marriage over the broad fields of Australia and New Zealandwho
, among us but would say that it was by far the best solution of our difficulty ?
But before educated women will emigrate in any number , the way must be made safe and respectable . They must find shelter
and assistance on the other side of the ocean ; a regular
organization must be created , and competent female officials appointed
A Year's Experience. 119
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Oct. 1, 1860, page 119, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01101860/page/47/