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» "When We Remember The Impetus Given To...
mined apart froni and the where doinestic objections sphere , arising "were broug from ht feeling forward could and not exa be
vanquished ; by argument , the simple fact of women being constantlythrown the world to get their daily bread by their own
exerupon tionsleft the stoutest maintainers of the propriety of woman ' s , entire pecuniary dependence _iipon man , without an answer .
In the November following the Bradford meeting , the council of this Association appointed a committee to consider and report on
the best means which could be adopted for increasing the industrial foot employments bthis committe of women e ; of in which the course I was a of member the investi we gation received set in on
formation y of several attemp , ts made to introduce , women into the female printing industry trade , . and A of small the press suitableness , and type of the sufficient same as for a an branch experi of
was personal of ment a put memb , were up observation er in purchased of a this private Association , b the y room Miss information placed P . arkes A at printer , who her thus disposal was consented received anxious by . the to This to g kindness ive test press her by
sufficed instruction to , convince and she invited us that me if to women share we in ' re the _iDroperl trial . y trained A short , their time
becoming physical powers compositors would , thoug be h singularl there were y other adapted parts to of fit the them printing for
trade—such as the lifting of the iron chases in which the pages are imposed , the carrying of the cases of weighty type that from is the the rack actual to
the frameand the whole of the presswork ( partment striking _ojff , , an of the amount sheets of ) , entailing continuous , particularl bodily exertion y in the far latter beyond
desufficientl average Having female y ascertained large strength scale this to . , g the ive next the step experiment was to a open fair an opportunit office on y a in
printer covered of success ' s unless p . lant The , they are machinery were so expensive kept and in constant , typ that e , and the use outlay all . The that pressure would is involved never of work be a ,
the sudden influx of which is often entirely beyond the printer ' s control other economical , requires the reasons possession which of will extr be a type easily in understood stock , these by and all amount
printing commercial of capital . on A men the gentleman , part necessitate of , well any the one known outlay who for wishes of his a public to considerable turn efforts out first in -class
promoting embark the with social me in and the industrial enterprise welfare of establishing of women a , printing determined busi to - house
ness was taken in which in Great female Coram compositors StreetRussell should Square be emp , which loyed , by . judicious A
locality it tion expenditur the , and Victori because in e , a was a quiet Press we rendered wer respectable after e anxious the fit Soverei for nei , it should g printing hborhood be to in whose purposes . a li We ght influence ventured and ; I airy name Eng to situa li call the sh - gn
women owe so large , a debt of gratitude , and in the hope also that
122 Victoria Press.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Oct. 1, 1860, page 122, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01101860/page/50/