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I. She Was But Nineteen; And Nineteen Do...
opposed - According nor commented tlieii to the new on Aura light ' s which determination had struck to her ride , she with neither " the
the reprobate irl to ; " take but her , much own to the unchecked wonderment . So of her Aura daug mounted hters , allowed the bay way
g his mare lips and with set off vexation , and a ; deli and ghtful in proof ride she of the had absorbing , while Tom power was of biting her inadven
her ture pleasure neck was , she made For came into Tom home a whom heavy an hour crime his too mother , and late tied for for , dinner as two a , hours millstone which had , round been
-. , quarrel kneading with into her a , very influenced fury of by jealousy a bilious , p Headache erpetrated , and his a first very op in en
sanity of jealousy . sequences And now . Liking began poor George Aura Grace ' s worst , she misdeeds saw no reason , and wh their y she fatal should
connot she stupid shew shewed , and that feeling that she too dail liked y and more him soon . and Thinking more it was moped patent Tom and very to suffocated all cross the world and indoors , very the , ;
scandalised Jane included , that her only pleasure was to set off with day little 's Georg ramble ie in for the a mad woods steep nutting le chase in which across expeditions country , or the for a sisters long
nev he er , spoile and Tom d all but her rarel leasure y , , joined by such them , a wet ; but blanket when of by ill chance humour he and did
un so , -Merridno . And -like once proprieties she p lainl , that told Aura him wished " that him if he a hundred did not enj miles oy y
himself away he need not come p " an offence that rankled in Tom's wellformed , breast for some time , . He began to be dictatorial too , and to which
to assume a tone of command as well as of fault-finding , him she had when not he the scolded slightest her inclination with that to provoking submit . So lofty she air turned of his upon , his
nose in the air and his hand in his coat pocket , calling her " child " and and want " little of thing manner , " and etc speaking . Then Aura compassionatel said that y he of was her i cross gnorance and
affectedand she wrote , home to her mother that " Tom and she did not in character pull , well together she did not now know , " adding him that again " Tom and certainl was so much y did change not lik d e
him so much , as she used—not half . " Which , confession made Mrs . wonder Plaistow and ejaculate irlish , " how lexity extraordinary for she had ! " love her d sweet Horace eye when s full she of
excep was but ting sixteen from g the , and timid perp had poetry never , of changed the young from g that irl to to her hour the hard to assured this and ,
intensit strange y that of the one wife of and her children mother ; should and it love seemed , and change her love so soon !
there thing demned What which he and puzzle now disliked Tom said d Aura had was . admired Her the of bad most sing so ing to le much , understand which and at he the Merridno had voice was never , , which that he wearied now the used very con to of - sty ;
be like , a linnet ' s when it was not like a nightingale ' s , he , now declared
194 The Misdeeds Of Aura Plaistow. " '
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Nov. 1, 1858, page 194, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01111858/page/50/