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The Lover Of Strong 1 Contrasts Would Ha...
government , that the archbishop , after undergoing * a few weeks' imprisonment " What particular , was banished instance from of the the country duchesse . ' s spirit do you allude
tocomtesse ? " asked the general . " I was in Savoy at the time , and , only heard the barren facts of the outrage committed on the
venerable " Her husband prelate . " was then in the cabinetand of course implicated
, in in it this she offence ordered ; but out to the show old that famil she at coach least with had four no partici horses pation , her y
footmen , in their state liveries , and drove to the citadel , taking the dolence most frequented to monsei streets gneur on . her There way she , to is offer , madame her sympath , nearly y and opposite
conto us . " I had scarcely taken a survey of this modern Griselda _, when a
The stir was owner perceptible of a name , " a which title will was be announced written in , history and every as having body rose held . similar to that
the occup a post alo ied in on the in France a rei tall gn of and b Victor y commanding a Belle Emmanuel Gabrielle figure s ' , predecessor or with a La more Valliere , than , entered the
remains s of great ; beauty in her face . Until , she took a seat , none resumed theirs . those
• wh Queenlike o advanced she to speak sat , and to her with , or queenlike addressed affability those on greeted either hand ,
and talked over charitable societies of "which she was the patroness . ¦ with the bishop , and the last political intelligence the with the ex of
ambassador ; complimented the lady of the house on beauty marriage her children in her , and famil congratulated y , graciously the announcing comtesse her on intention an approaching to call
and see the bride ' s corbeitte . It was not the fact of her being there which surprised me , but Trul
the deference , the obsequiousness shown towards her . y as a reli specimen ious of of the the hi moral h society code of of the Turin strictest it was circles sufficientl , the most y diverting severely .
But g no one present g had a glimmering , of this inconsistency . " Believe me" said the comtesse , as we parted soon after , having
the made bride an appointment elect , , " believe for the me , morrow for Madame better to de introduce friend me is adviser to full her of niece rare ,
the qualities own hi daug ghest . hter You credit is could one on of her not the training wi three sh model ould , a which wives was of her simp Turin or mat le , , ern nay and al . tender reflects almost Her - austereat the same time nothing csurpass
ness . , I remember a sacrifice she made upon herself for three years , in hopes of obtaining the blessing of a grandchild tastin . Passion le
ately fond of ices , she resolutely abstained from g a singone till Tlie her next prayer morning s were the heard comtesse ! " and I devoted some time to the
mysteries daughter ' s of wedding shopping present before s were proceeding to be to disp her layed sister to ' s us , . whose The
192 Life In Turin.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Nov. 1, 1859, page 192, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01111859/page/48/