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1. Thirteenth Annual Announcement of the...
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Jmy Life, And What Shall Women I Do , Wi...
the the prepared saw surest loves the duties themselves to well speak - neg spring lected with being of power comfort which next throug and these to her support h , relationshi love her to of own her God ps feeling own , bring they heart 's - when would ; besides when she be , ,
, as . we know too surely would sometimes be the case , all the best efforts out of doors seemed to end in disappointment . have not
and In will this not resp entir ect el our y renounce Protestant these gentlewomen tender God efficient , - those given than who ties the of home in
dealing and kindred with , the surel natur y these al oug affections ht to be which more should underlie all nun the hiher iritual lifeand which are so very much developed either
for g good sp or ill in most , "uneducated people . We have known women nioved by reference to their children ,
and men touched by questions regarding a mother long since dead , end when of no a other wed subjects which would skilfull wake driven up a mi spark ht of return feeling them , the to fine the g
tian Charit societ famil y y whose should so ge laws far be women as they that had fr is esh broken y from atible a . living with Surel , earnest y loving , then , work , human _oiir : Sisters and , Chris this of - comp
writer has y the , wisdom to see it . for The such third a life fact and broug labor ht forward of love is , is " just That the the preparation preparation needed which
gentlewomen need to fit them for the domestic and social duties of wife and mother . "
brin action All is i follow : hat just can thoug wh stead at ht is y ; needed and the affections the to many ch - of sided young the exp dreamy erience women imag , this by inative letting would
young g woman , whose greatest knowled ange ge of life as yet , is derived from booksinto one fitted to be a comfort and help at any man ' s
firesidewhether , he be husband or father . willing services Few ly , know that given the are up deli needed to servants ght by of being others , in these able because days to do thi of at s unpractical the delig moment ht is so middle those often
well ever and upper read and y would class activity societ not ,. whi readil y . ch But those art there who with is hav . a e deli P been arents ght trained in husb this in ands power it , know and of
children , will have abundant y reason p to bless such , training as is incumbent proposed in on this all little disengaged book and as not leisurel onl y y Eng possible lish gentlewomen for , but most . ,
Notices Of Books. 275
1. Thirteenth Annual Announcement Of The...
1 . Thirteenth Annual Announcement of the . Neiv England Female Medical 2 First College Annual . Term Report of 1860 of the -61 . Clinical Department of the New England
3 ; . Introductory Female Medical Lecture College , delivered . 1860 Wednesday . , Nov . _2 nd , 1859 , before MD the New England Female Medical Collegeby of Marie E . Zakrzewska , ..,
Professor of Obstetrics and the _^ Diseases , Women and Children .
which These this Repor College ts show - was established steady advance and in both public in support the obj and ects esti for -
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Dec. 1, 1860, page 275, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01121860/page/59/