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«. The It Is Female Encouraging Tion 1 T...
nerative occupations , young" men entering life may be inconvenienced and compelled to turn to rougherliarder work than is
, Revieiv agreeable of June to them last , on I refer " Workmen them ' to s E the arnings article and in Savings the Quarterl , " where y
they will _, see that no , man with ordinary health and strength need suffer privation , if willing to work , and not recklessly extravagant .
were more If more boys fewer girls would shopmen "were be trained trained there to to would emp those loyments be requiring more requiring mechanics strength intelli . soldiers If gence there , ,
sailorsand workmen , of all kindsbut not more male inmates , of the workhouse , or dependents on charit , y .
said sounder In nothing speaking , more of , practical the of the advantage advantages and reli men gious would to be education derive derive b d y for from being girls a provided , hi I g have her ,
with more intelligent and companionable wives ; nothing of the benefitto be conferred on childrennothing of the increased
chances s of domestic happiness which ; must _resLilt from increased freedom of choice in marriagefor a woman cannot be said to be
referred free when to the the op hi tion gher offered tone , is of , to feeling marry such or to an starve education ; nor hav would e I
infuse among the girls themselves , now but too justly accused of caring for little save vanity and dress of . I have dwelt vizthe entirel removal y on
what of the appears sufferings to me now the ent chief ailed point by ignorance importance on those , . sing , le women who have to earn their own breadbut it should not be forgotten
that these other advantages would be , secured also . That women who are left _xmprovided for and find themselves
tions forced for , perhaps subsistence when do no suffer longer and young suffer * , to most trust severel to their y , may own be exer seen
by any one who will spend , a few mornings at the office of the _< ' Society for Promoting the Employment of Women who . " to
the The class plate we on have the been door discussing attracts numbers ; they frequentl , many of y describe m belong themselves as " educated women" but when asked what they can do
towards Sometimes earning they say a livelihood they shoul , , d it be appears glad to they learn can must any do thing be nothing that ;
thing would exhausted which enable As can them no be remunerative to learnt live , but very add quickl piteousl loyment y , as y their , can that mean be it learnt s are quickl nearl some y y - ,
it is unnecessary . to say that assistance emp can seldom be given to these creatureswhose melancholy fate it must beeither to join the
poor crowd of . needlewomen , and help to beat down still , lower the wages of there that to miserable spend the profession rest of their , or else lives to , for retire women into who the workhouse have been ,
broug become ht domestic up in a superior servants station the only have emp neither loyment strength open to ill nor -educated skill to
, women I cannot without but think capital that . there exists a confusion in the minds of
With Reference To Their Future Position....
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Dec. 1, 1860, page 223, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01121860/page/7/