Sabr Quotes: Assalamu Alaykum Brothers and Sisters, I Hope You are Well.
Today, I’m going to Compose Sabr Quotes or Patience. If You Looking For Beautiful Inspirational Sabr Quotes Then You Have Right Place To Read Our Today’s This Post. Because In Today’s Post You Will Read Lot Of Love Sabr Quotes That Will Wonderful And Inspire Yourself.
I have organized some Islamic quotes and Duas on Sabr in English. Read Quotes and Duas, and if you feel that Quotes/Duas Mentioned here are interesting, then don’t forget to share the status of your social profile on social media.
In Islam, Patience is given great importance, and Allah in the Holy Quran and Allah has mentioned having patience and perseverance when there are only rocks and thorns in the way of our life.
What exactly does Sabr mean?
Sabr (Arabic: صَبْرٌ ṣabr) is the Islamic virtue of “patience” or “endurance” or more accurately “perseverance” and “persistence.” Ṣabr is a concept that makes up one of the two parts of faith (Shukr being the other). It teaches to remain spiritually steadfast and keep doing good actions in the personal and collective domain, specifically when facing opposition or encountering problems, setbacks, or unexpected and unwanted results. It is patience in the face of all unforeseen and undesirable outcomes. Source
Where does Sabr Apply in Life?
Peacefulness is by nature, but if anybody is very limited and conscious. It does not mean that a person doesn’t be lenient. It depends on time. Parents and grandparents always try to show the right path to their kids, and sometimes their behavior is rude. It can happen with the Temperament of your boss, colleagues, friends, and other relationships. Anyway, a tenacious and diligent person easily handles this type of situation and accepts his mistake and proof of persistence.
Top 10 Inspiring Sabr Quotes in Islam

Sabr: Patience is not about how long you can wait, but how well you behave while you’re waiting.

If you get angry stay silent. – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Sabr – After patience beautiful things await.

How a Muslim Responds to haters: Sabr Silence & A Smile.

Ya Allah give me sabr & save me from hating anyone. Those who do me wrong, may my patience be a reward for me & a coolness of my heart.
Allah is the only Listener who listens to our silent prayers. When we walk on a road with obstacles, we bump into one of them and wound ourselves; our heart yearns for Allah and His mercy. We cry on the prayer mat and ask for the light in the name of Sabr.
Only He listens to our silent and loud cries and grants us Sabr if we accept what He has decided for us with complete Twakkul. He’s the only One who gives hardships and grants patience.

“A moment of patience in the moment of anger prevents thousands of moments of regret” – Hz Ali bin Abi Talib (RA)
Patience during heated moments or arguments saves us from many regrets. We will also lose control over our tongue and emotions if we lose power, which only aggravates the situation.

Be Patient for what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers
Only He knows what goodness lies for us behind His wisdom. Allah should show patience from our side. Allah’s decisions and plans, which in return open the doors of Jannah for the patient ones.

Sabr in not remaining quiet and allowing anger to build up inside you. Sabr is to talk about what’s bothering you without losing control of your emotions. – Nouman Ali Khan
As brother Noman Ali Khan says, Sabr is not angry inside and not saying anything. It is about remaining calm even if it hurts you, being polite, and talking without losing control over your emotions.

Good things come to those who wait patiently

Sabr.. Every Time People Hurt me. I become closer to Allah.
Best Top 10 Love Sabr Quotes

“Salah Is The Cure For A Lost Soul. Confused Mind And For The Broken Heart.”

Is when it still hurts inside and you’re still struggling. Redha is peaceful internally. The highest level response to Allah’s test.

Allah is with you when Sabr is in you.

A little more Sabr, For a little more happiness.
Islamic Quotes on Sabr According to Hadith
We’ll begin with Sabr in Quran. The importance of patience is a common theme spread across many surahs.

“Indeed Allah is with those who patiently endure. ” Quran 8:46

When the prophet (ﷺ) Says: “Be Patient” remember this advice comes from one who lost both parents and buried six of children during his life.

“May Allah accept our duas and guide us and soothe our heart with sabr when we face hardship and we don’t understand what is happening around you.”
“Sabr is a blessing from Allah. May Allah bless us with sabr.”
Patience is a cure for everything.

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “The believer who mixes with people and bears their annoyance with patience will have a greater reward than the believer who does not mix with people and does not put up with their annoyance.” Grade : Sahih (Darussalam) Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah 4032 In-book reference : Book 36, Hadith 107
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