A brief description of Orkney: Zetland, Pightland-Firth & Caithness, ...
- Title
- A brief description of Orkney: Zetland, Pightland-Firth & Caithness, ...
- Author
- Brand, John, 1668?-1738.
- Publication
- Edinburgh :: printed by George Mosman, An. Dom,
- 1701.
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"A brief description of Orkney: Zetland, Pightland-Firth & Caithness, ..." In the digital collection Eighteenth Century Collections Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/004896239.0001.000. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed February 2, 2025.
- title page
THE CONTENTS Of the Chapters. - ERRATA.
A Description of
Orkney, Zetland andCaithness. - INTRODUCTION.
CHAP. I. Containing a brief Journal of our Voyage froLeith toOrkney, and thence toZetland: likewise of our Return from Zetland byOrkne toCaithness: Together with a Summary A¦count of the remarkable Dangers we were in. -
CHAP. II. A Description of
Orkney, its Situation, Name first Planters, Language, manners of the People, Wholesomeness of the Air, Corns &c. -
CHAP. III Wherein the several Isles and Parishes belong∣ing to
Orkney, are enumerated, and breifly described. -
ome things remarkable in Orkney, as Ancient Monuments, strange Providences &c. are represented. -
CHAP. V. Some Heathenish and Popish
Rites, Charm &c. yet remaining in theOrkney-Isles, are glanced at. -
CHAP. VI. A Description of
Zetland. The Country in GeneralDescribed; TheSoil, Product, Manners of the People&c. hinted at. -
CHAP. VII. A particular Vien is given of the several Pa∣rishes, and most considerable Isles in
Zet∣land. -
CHAP. VIII. An account of the Ancient Monuments, Curi
¦sities, strange Providences, &c. most obser¦able in the Isles of Zetland. -
CHAP. IX. The Fish-Trade is most considerable, in
Z ¦land. -
CHAP. X. Concerning
Pightland Firth, the severalTides which meet there, the danger ofPassage &c. -
CHAP. XI. Concerning
Caithness, and what we found be most Remarkable there.