Human condition

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Face off: bizarre peeling portraits of Hollywood royalty – in pictures
Face off: bizarre peeling portraits of Hollywood royalty – in pictures
Artwork - CLARA LIEU
Clara Lieu, Self-Portrait No. 4, etching ink and lithographic crayon on Dura-Lar, 48” x 36”, x 2011. This drawing is from "Falling", a project that is a visualization of my personal experience with depression. The condition brought on frequent episodes where I felt emotionally and physically out of control. After an extended, untreated struggle, a diagnosis brought relief, and the process of unearthing myself from the disease began.
Highly Detailed Drawings of Aging Hands
Highly Detailed Drawings of Aging Hands - My Modern Met
Interview: Fiona Araee Luca Curci talks with Fiona Araee during FRAGMENTED IDENTITIES, the second appointment of BORDERS ART FAIR 2021, at THE ROOM Contemporary Art Space. I’m a Los Angeles based multi-cultural artist. My artworks takes a critical view of social, political and cultural issues and shows the contradiction between the inner and outer faces of human beings. It explores the varying relationship between tradition and fine art.
Are these some of the most extreme works of art ever created?
Are these some of the most extreme works of art ever created? | Dazed
What would YOU look like with Angelina Jolie's lips? Photographers create startling portraits using real people and celebrity body parts
French photographers Bruno Metra and Lawrence Jeanson create bizarre portraits using real women and celebrity body parts