
Fraction activities and games for kids #MathActivities #FractionActivities #FractionPractice #FractionGames
27 Pins
How to Teach Fractions on a Number line! | Grow with Griffith
Fractions on a number line in 3rd grade has never been easier! This fractions on a number line post shows TONS of differentiated options! Start with the fractions on a numberline anchor chart to model the concept. Then, use the fractions on a numberline worksheets, fractions on a numberline games and other FUN activities. PRINT & DIGITAL activities for at home math learning or in class for 3rd grade math center ideas, math small groups & math intervention. #growwithgriffith
Fraction Picnic
Introduce your learners to fraction with this fun picnic activity. Find out the best books to use during your whole group lesson and send them off to practice with this free fractin picnic resource. Learners will match each card to the correct fraction. #kindergarten #firstgrade #fractions
Do You Need Free Equivalent Fractions Activities?
Free Equivalent Fractions Activities - want two equivalent fractions worksheets to use in your math block or math centers? These equivalent fraction color-by-numbers will be PERFECT in your classroom. Best of all? They are FREE!
Google Classroom Distance Learning Fractions On A Number Line
These digital fraction activities will give your students practice creating and identifying fractions on a number line - perfect for distance learning! This digital resource uses Google Slides™ and can be used on Google Classroom and Google Drive. This resource also includes an answer key. #distancelearning
Fraction Review Worksheet
Time for a fraction review! Practice identifying fractions, coloring them, and comparing them. #downloadnow #fractions #math #worksheet #educationdotcom
Helping Students Learn Fractions? {DO THIS For AWESOME Results!} | A Plus Teaching Resources
Helping Students Learn Fractions? Do you use commercial Fraction Mats? Well here's why you should STOP using them! Find out how commercial Fraction Mats are confusing your students And see what to do INSTEAD! #teaching #teachingfractions
Hands-On Math: Fraction Trees
Fraction Tree~ What a fun and simple hands-on math teaching idea for fractions! via @karyntripp
Lego Fractions - Planning Playtime
Lego Fractions Math Activity for Kids. So fun!
Books about Fractions and math activities
Learning Fractions: Kids Books & Hands-on Math Activities -- great for kids who like to read but don't like math!