Teach Reading with Sound

A selection of teaching resources that include sounds. Boom Cards are self-correcting games that help your students develop reading skills with scaffolding supports. Children control their use of supports, and you get detailed feedback on where they struggle. Shop lessons, activities, digital storybooks, and assessments on syllables, sentences, vowels, and more.
24 Pins
Parts of Speech - Audio Version
Explore these free, fun, fall-themed Boom Cards by Build Words SLP! Designed for students in grades K-2, this deck aids in building word associations and categorizing skills. Each of the 15 self-correcting cards shows three pictures. The task is to identify the one that doesn't belong. Perfect tool for a playful learning mind!
Audio Support
Boost your students' literacy skills with Boom Learning and Melanie Woods' engaging activity! This interactive game allows students to build mixed CVC words with audio support, making learning fun and accessible for all. Perfect for early learners or those needing extra support, this activity is sure to engage and inspire your students. Try it out today and watch your students' literacy skills soar!
Boom Cards
Boom Cards - Earth Day Beginning Digraphs Have fun this Earth Day by finding the beginning digraphs Th, Sh, and Ch. This deck has a sound feature. Your students simply click the speaker to hear the word, then choose the correct digraph. Perfect for students who struggle with vocabulary.
Boom Cards
Boom Cards - Earth Day Beginning Digraphs Have fun this Earth Day by finding the beginning digraphs Th, Sh, and Ch. This deck has a sound feature. Your students simply click the speaker to hear the word, then choose the correct digraph. Perfect for students who struggle with vocabulary.
Growth Mindset Interactive Digital Story Book and Task Cards
Dusty Shakes It Up is a growth mindset interactive audio storybook & set of digital task cards all in one unique Boom Cards™ learning game. Dusty the Dog teaches young kids about having a growth mindset while practicing reading, listening comprehension, basic phonics, following directions, & more. Each page of the story has multi-sensory activities that have kids thinking and moving to answer questions. Great for preschool, Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd grade. #digitallearning #growthmindset #reading
Listening for Details in Sentences with Audio - Boom Cards
This NO PREP NO PRINT activity is a great way to target listening comprehension skills and help students differentiate between the 5 “WH” questions. This deck contains 20 one sentence stories with an accompanying graphic organizer. To target listening comprehension skills, read each story aloud to your students and then they can use the drag and drop feature on a computer, iPad, or smart device to answer the 5 WH questions about each story. #speechtherapy #SLP #listeningcomprehension #noprint
Put an End to Chronic Book Browsing
Every teacher has at least one student who participates in chronic book browsing--always looking but never reading! Here is an idea to end that cycle. Click through to read this guest blog post about an idea to help elementary grades students find books they enjoy and waste less instructional time! #reading #Englishlanguagearts #ELA #elementaryschool #upperelementary #books
Counting Syllables Zoo - Boom Cards
Need a fun, no prep, and Zoo Animal Syllable Counting digital game to get your students engaged in counting syllables? This is a fun zoo syllable counting activity filled lions, tigers, elephants, and more! Boom cards are an interactive way to get your students engaged in learning! Each card will have a picture. Students will count the syllables in the word for each picture and click on the correct number. Each card includes audio directions! #boomcards #zoo
Kindergarten Sight Words Fishing For Words Set A Words - Boom Cards
Here's a fun activity for building fluency for sight words! Your students can practice reading while fishing for these high frequency words: am and at be can dad do go he in is it like me mom my no she the to up you. The students find the correct word on a fish and drag it to the fish bowl. Sound directions are included on each card for independent work and immediate feedback. #sightwords #highfrequencywords #fluency #kindergartenreading #literacy #boomcards
Letter Recognition Apple Match Drag and Drop Digital BOOM Task Cards {NO PREP!}
Digital task cards hosted at Boom Learning for practicing letter recognition. Fun apple theme! Students click the speaker to hear the letter and drag the matching apple over. Boom cards provide immediate feedback for your students. You can play the first 4 cards in this deck by clicking over to the preview link via the TpT listing.
Sound Sorting S and Z - Boom Cards
This is a comprehensive NO PREP, NO PRINT Boom Card Activity that addresses auditory discrimination, phonemic awareness, and articulation of /s/ and /z/ with an interactive twist. It includes full-color, high-resolution images and is fully interactive with point & click and drag & drop features with immediate feedback provided. These cards are self-grading and are a fun engaging way to address a wide variety of concepts
Discover the Magic of Boom Cards Fast Play
Need a way to provide differentiation while using technology? Boom Learning, Inc. has the answer for you: digital task cards! Our guest blogger shares her insight on how she uses Boom Cards™️ to help her reach her students' needs, as well as to practice a variety of different reading skills and speech and language skills. Click through to read her suggestions and ideas for differentiating your instruction with Boom Cards™️!
Long and Short Vowels - Aa Boom Cards
This Digital vowel sounds NO PREP Boom deck is filled with self checking slides to help your students identify long and short vowel sounds in one syllable words. Boom cards are a perfect way to help students practice phonics and and increase beginning reading skills.
Tammy's Toolbox - Boom Cards Author
Nine Digital Boom Card decks with over 290 engaging phonics practice cards which can be played on computers, interactive whiteboards, desktops, laptops, Chromebooks, ipads, iphones, Android tablets and phones, and Kindle Fire tablets. The fun way to teach and practice early phonemic awareness and phonics skills for reading success. #Boomcards, #Boomlearning, #phonics, #reading, #orton-gillingham, #ipadgame