1787 Collection

A series of traditional chinoiserie scenic wallpapers that pay homage to the era when the genre was at its most popular. Each design is based on archive elements from some of the most beautiful extant papers. In contrast to Fromental’s more contemporary stylised chinoiseries, these designs have a greater diversity of rich flora and fauna with a bolder, more classical aesthetic.
21 Pins
5 panel set of Bismarck - densely designed chinoisierie wallpaper inspired by an original belonging to Mona Bismarck and later by Yves Saint Laurent
hand-painted wallpaper panel of indienne chinoiserie in staunton colourway
5 panel set of antique, indienne chinoiserie wallpaper in staunton colourway
Sumptuous, antique chinoiserie Indienne in macartney colourway
indienne hand-painted scenic - a sumptuous antique chinoiserie in anson colourway
traditional folly chinoiserie wallpaper - panel
traditional folly chinoiserie hand-painted wallpaper - panel
traditional Folly hand-painted chinoiserie wallpaper. True to very early 18th century chinosieries characterised by a naive painting style and a greater dominance of birds, Folly is bold, whimsical and more flowing.