Trending: Art Deco

From fashion to fine jewelry, intricate geometric patterns of squares, rectangles, triangles and circles make bold statements. Whether the jewelry was originally designed in the 1920s or today, it is clear that Art Deco is back!
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want, need, gotta have
Jewelers of America | Jewelers of America
We love the geometrically shaped earrings like these from Vanessa Leu
Jewelers of America | Jewelers of America
Gorgeous diamond bracelet inspired by the Art Deco trend from @Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry
Jewelers of America | Jewelers of America
Some fashion inspiration for the Art Deco trend straight from the runway!
Jewelers of America | Jewelers of America
Get decked out in art deco and mix metals with this @Stuller, Inc. sterling silver and 14K yellow gold link necklace
Jewelers of America | Jewelers of America
This @Todd Reed disc ring is the perfect way to rock the art deco trend with a modern flare