Cabinet Stain

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Sherwin Williams White Battle: Snowbound vs Pure White - Mod & Mood
Sherwin Williams White Battle: Snowbound vs Pure White - Mod & Mood
72 reactions · 3 comments | One of the most frequently asked questions I get about our home is regarding our cabinets. Most people want to know where we purchased them from. They are all custom made cabinets (kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room) using knotty alder wood and stained with Minwax Weathered Oak from a local cabinet shop. Knotty alder is such a beautiful wood species and offers a rustic look. It is noted to be a “softer” wood type, but they have held up really well over the last year, despite all the activity that occurs in our home. . . . . #knottyalder #rustickitchencabinets #rustickitchen #dreamkitchen #frombuildtobuilt #customhomedesign #56478sm #56478sminspired #modernfarmhouse #modernfarmhousekitchen #idahome | @HilltopHomestead | Giulio Cercato · Stamina
The Best Wood Stains for Pine | At Lane and High
Pine is an inexpensive wood that is readily available in most places. Today we will explore different colors of stains and show you which ones are the best wood stains for pine.