Continent Box- South America

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Jim and Elisabeth Elliot on their wedding day. Their story is one of my favorites - so challenging and inspiring.
Pilipinto's Happiness: The Jungle Childhood of Valerie Elliot
Pilipinto's Happiness: The Jungle Childhood of Valerie Elliot: Valerie Elliot Shepard, Jim Howard: Good book - though I would suggest parents read it with their children - sometimes the language or description might be over their heads and a parent could explain.
Book based on author's life among natives of Ecuador who killed her father
As just an infant, Valerie Shepard, born to missionary parents living in Ecuador, lost her father, Jim Elliot, by a group of natives who killed him. “Amazingly, my mother was given the grace to love these people because she prayed for them so much. I think when you pray for someone, you learn to love them even if you hate them at first, and that is what the Bible tells us to do—love our enemies,” she said. “I’m very thankful—very, very thankful—for the life my mother and dad gave me.”
Today Jim Elliot Was Killed (1956) - The Scriptorium Daily
Jim Elliot -- “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
Through Gates of Splendor - a sensible Saint
Nate Saint: friend of Jim Elliot and fellow-missionary to Ecuador
Continent Study: South America (with PRINTABLES)
South America Printables from The Pinay Homeschooler
A Child-friendly Introduction to Ecuador - Raising Globally Aware Kids
A child-friendly introduction to Ecuador written by @Christina by Family Mari Hernandez-Tuten for the Exploring Geography series at Mama Smiles
The Purposeful Wife
Our daughter Valerie was 10 months old when my husband, Jim, was killed. I continued working with the Quichua Indians when, through a remarkable providence, I met two Auca women who lived with me for one year. They were the key to my going in to live with the tribe that had killed the five missionaries. I remained there for two years. ~Elisabeth Elliot
Valerie Elliot Shepard's Book, "Pilipinto's Happiness" Kicks Off Week of Great Books!
Elisabeth & Jim Elliot's Only Child, Valerie Elliot Shepard, Wonderfully Tells of Her Jungle Childhood! A Must-Read Aloud for Children! #Pilipinto's Happiness
Ecuador Lapbook - Homeschool Share
Ecuador Lapbook FREE - Use with Jim Elliot, Elisabeth Elliot, and Nate Saint Biographies