Frankenstein - the app

Profile Books has announced the April 26 release of the first literary, interactive book app, Frankenstein. Designed specifically for iPad and iPhone, the app has been adapted by best-selling author Dave Morris in conjunction with inkle, a Cambridge (UK)-based software and creative design company specializing in interactive stories. As a work of interactive literature, Frankenstein will be the first in a new generation of e-books, bringing Mary Shelley's classic novel to a new audience.
17 Pins
Monstrous Vintage Covers of Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’
Old Frankenstein covers
Frankenstein - App for iPhone and iPad - Trailer
Frankenstein - App for iPhone and iPad - Trailer
Historical Anatomies on the Web: Juan Valverde de Amusco Home
This one is quite amusing! From Juan Valverde de Amusco: Anatomia del corpo humano
Anatomiae, hoc est, corporis humani dissectionis
A cover that didn't make the cut! #frankensteinapp
Interestingly, Danny Boyle's theatre version of Frankenstein has art that echoes the anatomical illustrations that influenced the design of our #frankensteinapp
This image plays the role of Victor Frankenstein's notes as he learns from an experienced anatomist in #frankensteinapp
This image was perfect to use as an illustration for Victor Frankenstein's lab. #frankensteinapp
People - Photos
Mary Shelley manuscripts on exibition at the Bodleian Library ... (back to the source) #frankensteinapp
MARY SHELLEY - the original author of Frankenstein, to whom we are indebted. Wonder what she would have made of #frankensteinapp ...
A rather gruesome anatomical illustration from our upcoming #frankensteinapp.
Beautiful frontispiece from the original Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - inspiration for the #frankensteinapp
This is the main image we used for our press release of the Frankenstein app. See here: By Vesalius from his famous "De corporis humani fabrica libri septem"
This image was perfect to use as an illustration for Victor Frankenstein's lab.