
23 Pins
Tree of Life K Card
Expand, enhance, transformation, and deepen what you are working on. This card is powerful and works well with the paper radionic instrument or any physical instrument.
Structured Water
Structure Your Water!
Manifesting Tool
Balance your Property & Manifest your Dreams!
Balance & Feng Shui Your Home
This super simple and easy to set up card will instantly start balancing the feng shui energy in your home.
Structure Your Water
These tools are soooo easy to use to structure your entire home!
This simple & easy to use radionic broadcaster will help you manifest ANYTHING.
How to Imprint
Have you ever wondered how they make homeopathy? Same thing. You can make your OWN tinctures.
BioResonance Sessions
Radionic BioResonance Sessions might be the most in depth energy work. ...and the most affordable.
Manifest Money
Money is the eastiest thing to Manifest into your life. Radionics is the best way.
Find your Divine Compliment
You can welcome your divine compliment/ soul mate into your life. Find the love of your life!
Make Your Own Home Balancing Spray
Want to balance your Home?