Hidden Rooms

Secret Passage Ways | Hidden Doors | Movable Walls | Hidden Compartments | Secret Room | Bookcase Doors | Invisadoor | Invisible Door | Murphy Door | Magical Hidden room | Hidden Storage | Secret Door | Hidden Pantry | Hidden Pantry Door | Secret Passage In Houses | Mirror | DIY | For Kids | In Closet | Hiding Places | Underground | Bedroom | Safe | Panic | Attic | Basements | Kitchen | Under Stairs| How To Make | Man Cave | Door | Garage | Wardrobe | Abandoned | Harry Potter | How To Build
141 Pins
Beautiful Board and Batten Wall with a Hidden Door
Dark gray board and batten wall with pocket door open to walk in closet. Closet is also painted dark gray with white shelving.
This may contain: a bed room with a neatly made bed and an insulated board and batten wall
Beautiful Board & Batten Wall with a Hidden Door
Create a beautiful board and batten accent wall with a hidden door to conceal the walk-in closet. Installing a pocket door in a small room capitalizes on a small space, while creating a stunning modern accent wall behind bed. Board and Batten walls are perfect for the entry, hallway, nursery, office, dining room. Amazing Master Accent Wall Ideas!
Beautiful Board & Batten Wall with a Hidden Door
Create a beautiful board and batten accent wall with a hidden door to conceal the walk-in closet. Installing a pocket door in a small room capitalizes on a small space, while creating a stunning modern accent wall behind bed. Board and Batten walls are perfect for the entry, hallway, nursery, office, dining room. #boardandbattenwall #hiddendoorinwall #boardandbattenwallbedroom
Board and Batten Wall with a Hidden Door
Create a beautiful board and batten accent wall with a hidden door to conceal the walk-in closet. Installing a pocket door in a small room capitalizes on a small space, while creating a stunning modern accent wall behind bed. Board and Batten walls are perfect for the entry, hallway, nursery, office, dining room. #boardandbattenwall #hiddendoorinwall #boardandbattenwallbedroom
We have many styles to choose from. Shop at maderrashop.com #bookshelfdecor #barndoor #homedecor #hiddendoor #storageroom | Instagram
Pool House - Eclectic - Kitchen - Philadelphia - by Colonial Craft Kitchens, Inc | Houzz
Pool House - Eclectic - Kitchen - Philadelphia - by Colonial Craft Kitchens, Inc | Houzz
Jib Doors - So Cool, Yet Such a Nightmare to Build - Parts 1 & 2
My Entry With Challenging Jib Doors and Wainscoting
Jasmine Roth's Cozy Winter Getaway Home
Jasmine loves incorporating hidden storage into her projects. Here, she turned an under-the-stairs nook into a play space for Hazel, with a door that looks like a hutch.