
756 Pins
‏‎3,274 likes, 46 comments - ‎‏‏‎prof.danisousa‎‏ ב-‏‎October 17, 2023‎‏‏‎: "Dança da Caixa: quando a música para, esconde-se uma criança, e as demais precisam identificar quem foi escondido. Estimula a memória e percepção visual, além de ser muito divertido! @ccscaixinhadosaber #educaçaoinfantil #maternal #escola #recursoseducativos #recursosinfantil #brincandoeaprendendo #professora #pedagoga #infantil". ‎‏‏‏
DIY Recycled Flower Lamps
Brighten up the room in a creative and sustainable way with these recycled newspaper flower lamps! ✨ (via @studiorosiecreations )
Make birds out of toilet paper rolls
Toilet paper rolls are a fantastic, simple craft base, and best of all: you already have them at home. Get in the habit of saving empty toilet paper rolls so that you always have them on hand for crafts. We’ve transformed these ones into beautiful winter birds using a bit of paint. Hang up your bullfinches as decorations in the tree, or put them up in the window in winter. #Domherre