quantum machines

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Take a bounce: A microscopic trampoline could help engineers to overcome a major hurdle for quantum computers, researchers from CU Boulder and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report in a new study. The research targets an important step for practical quantum computing: How can you convert microwave signals, such as those produced by quantum chips made by Google, Intel and other tech companies, into light beams that travel down fiberoptic cables? Scientists at JILA, a jo
Google’s quantum supremacy algorithm has found its first practical use
Google has put the algorithm it used to achieve quantum supremacy to work. It generated verifiably random numbers, which could be used one day in encryption or lotteries
処理能力は1メガビット級!日立がシリコン量子コンピューター開発へ ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社
Google’s quantum supremacy algorithm has found its first practical use
Google has put the algorithm it used to achieve quantum supremacy to work. It generated verifiably random numbers, which could be used one day in encryption or lotteries
D-Wave confirmed as the first real quantum computer by new research
The D-Wave Two's cryogenic cooling system. There's a qubit chip in there, somewhere.
Novel Error Correction Code Opens a New Approach to Universal Quantum Computing