Martial artist

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How to Choose a Martial Art to Study
Find out how to choose a martial art to study in this guide. Does your age matter when selecting a martial art to study? Which martial arts training is most suitable for your body type when choosing a martial art? Do you want to compete professionally and become a fighter in the ring? We will discuss all of these things in this detailed article. #howtochooseamartialarttostudy #choosingamartialart #martialarttraining #traininginmartialart #learnmartialarts #martialart
Use of legs in a street fight
CAN I USE KICKS IN A SELF-DEFENSE SCENARIO? - Yes, you can but... if you have not good conditioning (speed, balance, precision, flexibility, etc.): it is better if you hit below the knee height. #SELFDEFENSE #kicks #KICK #legs #KungFu #MartialArts #JKD #Karate #TaiChi #WingChun #MMA #KravMaga #Kali #Kenpo #Flexibility #Combat #Fight #Fitness #6DKF #nicekicks #kicking #kicksonfire #Conditioning
40 Inspirational Martial Art Quotes You Must Read Right Now
Which means...practice, practice, practice. Kung-fu
40 Inspirational Martial Art Quotes You Must Read Right Now
One Good Thing by Jillee: Making Homemaking Simple and Enjoyable
Use the body power: the muscle chain
MARTIAL ARTS: MUSCLE CHAIN'S POWER - What is, how to develop it and why #POWER #COMBAT #strength #musclechain #KungFu #MartialArts #JKD #Karate #TaiChi #WingChun #Shaolin #Wushu #6DKF #HOWTO
13 Tips for Older People Starting Karate
You’re never too old to embark on your karate journey or pursue other martial arts. Believe it or not, you can tailor the training to make karate as mentally and physically demanding as you would like, so age should not be a barrier to starting karate or any martial art. Check out our 13 tips to help you begin your karate journey safely and get the most out of your training!