Abstraction has not died, and although it is not the dominant discourse of plastic creation of the present, still existing. Is used stands "more humble", as the paper, and is have banished large sizes for do it in formats more small, as a way of away is of the concept "epic" of the abstraction of them ninety for focus is in concepts as the fragility, the spontaneity or the immediacy. A commonly held idea is that pluralism characterizes art at the beginning of the 21st century. There is no consensus, nor need there be, as to a representative style of the age. There is an anything goes attitude that prevails; an "everything going on", and consequently "nothing going on" syndrome; this creates an aesthetic traffic jam with no firm and clear direction and with every lane on the artistic superhighway filled to capacity. Consequently, magnificent and important works of art continue to be made albeit in a wide variety of styles and aesthetic temperaments, the marketplace being left to judge merit. - Stephen Ormandy graduated from Art Institute in Sydney in 1985. Ormandy is inspired by the natural world and informed by a strong design aesthetic based on colour and form. - Bruce Riley is a Chicago artist who works in an organic nonrepresentational style. He has received prestigious grants and awards and his paintings are included in important collections. - Yago Hortal. Yago's work moves between the accidental and the planned, a mixture of vibrant colors and expressive gestures that sometimes seem to want to escape from the canvas.
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