Kawaii Bento Food Art

Bento lunch ideas for an adult lunch and a kid at heart. Pinning boy bento lunch designs for my picky eater boyfriend and bento food I must try for myself. Slap some faces on it and call it Kawaii - works for me.
150 Pins
Japanese food chicken teriyaki with rice in wooden bento lunch box slate
Japanese food. Chicken teriyaki with rice in wooden bento lunch box. slate background, top view. - Food & Drink
いいね!2,604件、コメント88件 ― @asanyan617のInstagramアカウント: 「あさ弁630 . . 「くっつかないパスタ」 . ググって試してみたけど お昼にはどーなってるやろ? . . . 見事にくっついてないか . はたまたお互い愛おしすぎて 仲良くくっついちゃってるか…」
Obentou 2016.6.27 メンチカツ&スペイン風オムレツ &ベーコンライス
10/15(水) おにぎらず弁当 | ろこべん
Rice Sandwich Bento おにぎらず弁当
Homemade Tortilla Chips that can be Shaped to fit any Holiday Theme
How to make homemade tortilla chips for an holiday. These are themed for Halloween and naturally colored for a fun party dip platter
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Buy online on Etsy! Elegant & delicious Seashell & Sand Dollar topped Chocolate dipped Pretzels! Great for a Beach Wedding, an Under the Sea or Mermaid themed birthday, baby shower, bridal shower party favors & dessert table treats!
秋遠足★焼きおにぎりのお弁当|あ~るママオフィシャルブログ「毎日がお弁当日和♪」Powered by Ameba
Deli Style Protein Box
This post is brought to you in partnership with Jennie-O. Protein Boxes are one of my favorite on-the-go lunches. When Jennie-O sent these Premium Portions Oven Roasted Turkey Breasts, I knew they would make a great addition to a Deli Style Protein Box. These are perfect for making ahead and grabbing for a protein packed snack …