ducks in garden

Ducks can be valuable in the garden for pest control, fertilizer as well as egg production. A well designed garden layout can increase the success of the system. Attractive housing can be made using creativity and salvaged up cycled materials.
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Successfully managing ducks in the garden
Article: How to successfully manage duck in the garden. I have been very successful in keeping...
My ducks swim in a IBC tote which is cut to 125 gallon size. It drain and cleans easily
Duck Pool is made from salvaged IBC Tote it drains very well plus its metal cage allows cement blocks to be used easily at corners to raise it which allow faster draining
Elsa and Ona look for slugs from a straw bale used for straw bale gardening to grow sweet potatoes which I had just harvested
Ducks learn to use a ramp quickly
Ducks in the Garden
Duck pen connects organic garden where they are allowed periodic pest control missions Ducks love slugs and bugs. Pool has a bottom drain where it can be used to fertilize and water root zones of plants
Duck house from a repurposed dog house. Added door that doubles as a ramp
Ducks in the Garden
Duck pen gate 'Ducks at Work'