
10 Pins
Image of the Day - NASA
Rover Under the Milky Way - Atacama Rover Astrobiology Drilling Studies The Moon begins to rise behind the ARADS rover during the 2017 season of field tests in Chile’s Atacama Desert
Astrobiology Highlights of 2018
Astrobiology Highlights of 2018
Are we alone in the universe? - Science & Tech
Are we alone in the universe?
Astrobiology - The hunt for life beyond Earth
Astrobiology - The hunt for life beyond Earth ONE OF THE OLDEST QUESTIONS MAY BE ANSWERED IN OUR LIFETIMES. ARE WE ALONE? Nat Geo- Frank Drake is still looking for extraterrestrial signals—a discovery that would trump everything else.
Dust Storms Raised by Strong Winds on Titan (Artist's Concept)
Artist's concept of a dust storm on Saturn's moon Titan. (Credit: IPGP/Labex UnivEarthS/University Paris Diderot - C. Epitalon & S. Rodriguez)